
1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name •

SUJI / Suji

Species •

Unknown [Shape?] / Up to Viewer

Birthday •

Oct. 19th

Age •

Up to Viewer

Gender & Pronouns •

Up to Viewer

Sexuality •

Up to Viewer


SUJI is a character who is intended to be a blank canvas. With limitations and certain guaranteed rules, SUJI is intended to be a character for people to interpret, make headcanons about (and hopefully share with me to keep a little log of what all my friends perceive), and project onto. The viewer is not supposed to know what the creator of the sona thinks of SUJI. (I will occasionally slip up the lack of pronouns to make sure people aren't influenced by my intentions and I admit,  My Suji uses  they/them pronouns. When I talk to others about the character I will use that person's speculated pronouns.)
Appearance: SUJI can appear in any geometric form, going beyond triangular, rhombus or otherwise pyramid-like shapes and shattered fragments. These fragments tend to float around and scatter near SUJI, some parts being taken directly from the physical form. The outfit's description will not be disclosed, interpret it however you please. Think it's a cape with a turtleneck? Go ahead. Think its a peculiar set of armor? As you wish. They always have a colored, translucent outline around them. It is unknown if it is an aura of sorts or part of them. The color usually corresponds to an abstraction or emotion and SUJI can freely change it. The idle or default tends to be a soft green. SUJI has a 'line' on the head that alters to create expressions. 

Personality: This is also up to speculation and viewing pleasure, though the 'intended' personality will not be disclosed. Think SUJI has a booming, echoing voice and is generally intimidating intentionally or not? Sure. Think SUJI is a quiet/mute, reserved person? I don't mind. The world is your oyster here. I think about all sorts of voices/internal dialogue for them sometimes.

Abilities: SUJI has the ability to freely change form, float effortlessly, and communicate telepathically if needed / at will. The rest of the abilities I haven't really thought of yet.
Limitations / Disclaimers: SUJI is purely subject to change and is an experimental concept when it comes to character, let alone a personal sona of mine. If I don't intend on people thinking of SUJI certain ways, I will at least put boundaries.
Please don't make SUJI supportive of any discriminatory behaviors. Please keep them LGBTQ+ as well.

Extras: I tend to depict SUJI with cracks or fractures for negative, depressed-based emotion and shades of blue outline. I use sharper, disoriented lines and red outline for aggression-based emotion- I may add a sharp 'mouth' and exaggerated 'claws'. Soft reds or pinks depict happiness or any spectrum of love/affection-based emotion. You do not have to follow what I do, especially with the attraction-spectrum concepts with coloration and linework.

Grey & Suji are canonically friends. :)