


1 year, 7 months ago


Theatre Director

She/They/It | Pan/Poly | 7'2"

Creation Concept

"The world's but a stage, and our lives' a performance, but what shapes who we are is whom we let be our audience."

At a glance, there certainly always seems to be something rather off about it who calls herself Bianca, but simply ask and she will tell you that such a thought it naught but a point of view. Bianca is a confident, whimsical, and perhaps slightly eccentric comfort; one who cares little about what the world may see in them, and much much more about what they can see in the world. After all, what could possibly matter more than expressing yourself in the truest way you know yourself to be?

Bianca is the director of Blank Space Theatre, a quaint studio situated in the entertainment district of Sanctuary Square. It's well known for putting on various fun and interestingly produced plays as well as screening the odd film here and there whenever the old and definitely not haunted movie projector feels like behaving that day. The theatre is always open to guest performers and happens to be a fun place to hold magic demonstrations and competitions.


This character is an Official NPC!

Can be freely utilitzed as part of any prompt!

Sometimes travels in search of inspiration~