


6 years, 4 months ago


Age: 16

Race: Werewolf

Birthdate: In the winter, sometime??

Colors: Earthy tones, especially sage green and browns

Build: Average height, but muscled

✦ Just a friendly, toothy guy!

✦ Really likes to tell stories and be around other people and calls you "comrade" or "friend".

✦ Although, he's not what you'd call a reliable narrator.  In fact, he definitely embellishes, like a lot.

✦ He'll be the first to jump into a fight (once there's a fight to be had), and once he's your friend, you're never getting rid of him.

✦ He has some insecurities, being the youngest and smallest in his immediate family of an older brother (who is big yet cowardly), an older sister (who is brash and aggressive), and a father who happens to be the strong, fearless leader in charge of the Werewolf pack currently residing in our protagonists' city.  It's a lot to live up to.

✦ Where does he live?!  No, seriously, does someone need to offer doggo a place to stay??

Personal Style: Anything that you don't have to fuss over.  Boris' outfits tend to be ripped and torn, but he favors utility AND looks, so spiffy combat boots, thick jackets, gloves, and pants with a lot of pockets are the way to go!  May wear bone necklaces from time to time.


Werepeople are an mix of many races of mammal/human hybrids, created by the Earth Principality.  The dedicated care of her created people earned her the nickname "The Earth Mother".  This relationship did not last forever, as unfortunately a group of witches tricked this kind mother, drinking her blood to obtain her power (it is generally agreed that this event took place less than 100 years ago, although the vampires insist it happened earlier).  This dark ritual begat the Vampire race, who then turned their new fangs on the Werepeople.  Only stronger animals, like wolves, bears, and wildcats, survive to present day.

Werepeople, along with their natural strength and resilience, retained their ability to shapeshift, but the loss of their beloved Earth Mother means it comes at a cost. While shapeshifting is voluntary, the phases of the moon affect how powerful that transformation is, and how much control the Wereperson has during their transformation.   At the New Moon, the shifted form will be a small animal (in the specific case of a Werewolf, this would be a small dog); the wereperson is fully aware in this form, but it's mostly useless.  At Full Moon, the full power of a Wereperson is released, but their awareness and self-control are completely gone, leaving only the unstoppable force that fairy tales warn of.  If a Wereperson plans for battle, they'll do it as close to a quarter moon as possible, but they can also partially transform if a full transformation is too risky (minor things like growing claws or fangs).  They are also able to self-heal/regenerate, but again, this ability is not always reliable, especially when magic inhibitors like silver are involved.

Unlike common myth, you have to be born a wereperson to be a wereperson: being bitten by one might be annoying (or deadly), but you're no more a Wereperson now as you were yesterday.  Werepeople generally don't like walking around naked after a transformation, so their clothing will often be magicked to disappear once a transformation starts and reappear when it ends.