DTA Cat Adopts!'s Comments

Is there anyone you'd prefer drawn for 4?

Could you do either a fullbody or a halfbody with the tail end of Kayto?

Sure, ill get started now if you're good for a full?


Sent the art, hope it looks ok


2 Replies

Willing to draw Emily for #3! if there's a different character you want me to draw just lmk

Could you possibly try Jasper? or Squid Sato ?

If they are too hard then you can just do emily but I'd prefer if you tried one of the two above.

oh I could draw Jasper, and I'm dearly sorry I meant to say #2,, not #3, I'm really sorry

Do you have art examples I could look at before starting?

I've only been starting to draw furry so I've only been doing sketches, I do sketches on paper, So I don't really have digital artworks of it yet, but I assure you it'll be done digitally


You can do it traditional as long a you either color or shade it! You can start the artwork with jasper. At least a halfbody with tail or a fullbody.

3 Replies

I love #3! Do I draw her?

No you draw somebody from inside my Other folder or Namarath folder and any folders inside there. Would prefer at least a halfbody, you can choose anybody.