Damon Campbell



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Smokey, The Dealer









Relationship status

Single and ready to mingle

Outer Personality

Calm, Charismatic, Quiet, Secretive, Protective, Sometimes Overbearing


Smoking, Inscense, Meditation



Herbalist/Town drug dealer


Damon is a well mannered shopkeeper who lives on letter isle. He runs a small shop where he sells various meditative items varying from crystals to incense. The shop is called Sandalwood Medium and at night it's the one stop shop for all the junkies to go for their fix, for the right amount of coin that is, the goods Damon sold were never cheap.

For a while Damon ran the shop with his little adopted brother Jason who he had took under his wing after he had been rudely kicked out of the shared living space he had been in prior. Damon had given his brother free lodging in return for help around the shop and grew accustomed to his brothers company, he even found himself enjoying it, Jason always knew exactly how to lighten the atmosphere. This was short lived though, as Jason would hear his call to adventure the day he ran into Khan Grayson.
Damon remembers that day clearly, his brother was out late somewhere, he figured it was some kind of party or something. The older vernid decided not to worry and ran the shop on his own that evening. When Jason did come home it was clear he was a bit tipsy, but he also wouldn't stop yappin about this "dream boat" he had met at the bar.
At first Damon would brush it off as nothing, but then Jason started talking about the same guy next day.

"I bet you don't even remember his name." He'd say shaking his head as he stocked the empty spaces on the shops shelves as someone had decided to go crazy on their himalayan salt.
"I do! It's... it's... Von Gibson? Uhh... no, Khan Grayson! Yes, that's it." Jason replied, nodding his head enthusiastically, he remembered, yes he did.

Damon couldn't believe his ears. Captain Khan was known around these parts, he wasn't sure how he felt about his brother acting so head over heels for this guy but brushed it off as nothing, no way would a the Captain go for his stoner brother. But he was wrong. Jason made it a habit to go out during the evenings to Quincy's tavern while he knew Khan was in town, it didn't happen too often at first, but the week where Jason was gone for three days in a row left a pit in Damons stomach. Eventually he found Jason packing up his things and decided to draw the line, even though it was already too late.

"You're leaving?"
"Yeah! I was offered a position on Khan's crew."

"And you didn't think about telling me?"
"Well I kinda for-"

"What if you don't come back dude? The sea's a dangerous place! Not everyone makes the trip home." Damon would argue but it seemed that Jason has long since made up his mind seeing that he's stuffed the rest of his belongings into his bag. He watches his brother shove his way past and toward the door.
"I'll be fiiine, I promise." Jason would say before waving his last goodbyes, answering his call to adventure.

Damon knew better, the sea was a wretched place. He's kept a careful eye on his brother ever since then.