Diya ( ديا )



1 year, 7 months ago


Diya - ديا 

Diya is the avatar to the Egyptian God Ra. Despite being the avatar to one of the more powerful and ancient Egyptian deities, Diya has a rather friendly demeanor. In council he often serves as the voice of reason or mediator, he’s very nonpolitical or rather doesn’t openly share his opinions.
Diya is a Baladi Dog or rather known as the Egyptian common street dog. He lives in one of Cario’s popular vendor market. He’s very knowledgeable about the region and has connections with a majority of the dogs that inhabit it. 

Diya is the first other avatar that introduces himself to Cade, helping guiding him through council meetings and introducing him to other avatars. When Cade causes the uproar at the Greek trail, Diya is the first to jump to his defense. The other Egyptian avatars are confused with Diya‘s behavior towards Cade, always taking his side and becoming co guardian to Pup.