


1 year, 5 months ago


Ayla Zettine

Title Alien Science Wolf

Gender Female

Pronouns she / her

Age 27

Species Alien Wolf

Occupation College Student, Scientist

HTML Pinky


Ayla is a friendly alien wolf with an interest in science and a hobby for music. She is a student at college studying for a formal scientific background, and has hands-on experience when she occasionally helps her dad with his job at the science lab.

She is curious by nature, finding a lot of fun in experiencing lighthearted Zephyrian culture, playing music, and experimenting with how things work. She has a few supernatural abilities both as an alien and as a naturally-born mage that both fuel her curiosity.


Height 5'7"

Build Description Pending

Eyes Bright Yellow

Fur Color Purple, Cream Purple, Dark Gray

Hair Color Black

Hair Style Very Long, Messy

Demeanor Friendly


  • Pale Cream Purple comprises her underbelly color, as well as markings on her hands and feet, which travel up her forearms and shins respectively, and the tip of her tail.
  • Dark Gray tips her ears and runs along her back. Inner ears have a diamond-like point of medium gray going down from the tip.
  • Ears have long tufts of fur going down near the tips.
  • Has alien antennae which are purple near the base and fade to yellow at the tips, which glow. Can be tucked under her hair when folded back.
  • Usually wears her black and purple zip-up hoodie and sparkly jeans.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Still trying to figure out her unique "freeform" magic ability, and is friendly and sociable and smart and proficient, but has a degree of social awkwardness and can be somewhat scattered or naive at times. Better writeup pending sorry.



Ayla loves to analyze how things work and enjoys working in science labs to study various things such as chemical reactions, geology, and engineering. She shows a natural proficiency in these fields, assisted by her alien senses.


Ayla enjoys getting out and traveling now and then, as she likes to see more of Zephyrian cultures and landscapes, always surprised and excited by how different things can be elsewhere on the world.

Rock Music

Ayla has a particular interest in rock music and enjoys casually playing the guitar and singing along. She enjoys studying and applying music theory as well, and pays a lot of attention to finer details and technique in songs, having been taught by her uncle Tristan.

Zephyrian Snack Food

Ayla particularly enjoys snack food, such as candy and soda. She finds the artificial flavors to be very fascinating and impressive, and is always very amused by the range of flavors and textures experienced with various snacks.

Fictional Media

Ayla's interest in Zephyr also extends to fictional media like movies and comics, but is especially applicable to interactive media like video games. She isn't the most directly skilled with them, but she has a great time overcoming various challenges in games, and often engages in mechanics or approaches things in ways many other players wouldn't think of - oftentimes going off of the "intended path" without even realizing.



Ayla dislikes when people are rude, and will often take it somewhat personally even if they are a complete stranger. She can be known to hold a slight grudge against people for being rude, but if they realize it and apologize, she is quick to forgive.

Mainstream Trends

Ayla has a notable distaste for mainstream trends, such as overused jokes or overplayed songs. Not that she usually has much issue with the trends themselves, moreso the concept of trends. She values Zephyr for its wide range of self-expression, so she is perplexed by how so many people just repeatedly do the same things as everyone else rather than exploring more things for themselves. She doesn't understand memes for the sake of memes, either, and takes them all at face value on their own.


Writeup pending.

Feeling Stumped

Writeup pending.

Skills & Abilities

Alien Senses

Writeup pending.

Hexagon Barrier

Using her freeform magic, Ayla can create a solid hexagonal barrier at a fixed point in midair. Though it can sustain enough weight to work as a platform to jump up onto, any harder-hitting impact will shatter it. So while it can also work as a shield, it will be very limited and temporary in this context.

Abstract Projectile

Holding her hand up like an imaginary pistol, Ayla can fire a small projectile that appears as a fluctuating mass of polygons. It travels slowly through the air in a straight line, and gives a somewhat weak yet forceful "flick" to whatever object it makes contact with. Very low force, mainly used to plink empty soda cans away as a party trick. Maybe one day she can refine this into something stronger, though.


Ayla is able to play the guitar and sing, having a pleasant voice and a talent for it.

Scientific Knowledge

Ayla is also decently capable of scientific endeavors, usually relating to chemistry and physics.



Writeup and backstory pending.





Writeup pending.




Writeup pending.