


1 year, 10 months ago


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Prompt given by xNikitty

Faviola she/her | 5'7

"Whatever people believe to be true... is the truth. Whether that's the real truth or not does not matter."


The Faviola that most people know is a carefully constructed fabrication. Who she actually is is irrelevant: she has made everyone believe that she's a strong leader who doesn't hesitate, an extremely skilled mage, and someone who came from a wealthy and powerful background. Out of those three things, only the first is true. Her "magic" consists either of spells cast by her assistant or potions made by Emma. Any wealth and power she has today was accumulated through hard work (and lots of blackmail). She believes that if she can do something, she has a right to, no matter who it might affect. This would be bad enough for a regular person, but for someone who has hundreds of mages at her disposal, the results are catastropic.


After the former leader of the Alliance of Mages died in a fight, a major power vacuum ensued. Then, out of nowhere, came Faviola. The mages were skeptical, but she shocked them with her supposed magic abilities and grand plans for the future, so they accepted her as their leader. Under her command, their numbers grew exponentially. Eventually, she decided that taking over the kingdom would be the next logical step, so that was what she set out to do. During that time several people began conspiring against her, so her victory might not be as certain as she'd expected. If they were expecting her to go down quietly, though, they'd be sorely mistaken.