


1 year, 10 months ago


Her Nightwing father was stellar, respected, a brilliant alchemist. She was his firstborn, his glittering half-Rainwing daughter. He named her Argent.
He had a project to father a child of every tribe, a goal to discover the "true" form of dragonkind. His blood the "control" factor.
""Had""... He threw it aside when her sister was born. Little Saturnine.
He doted on her, the new favourite. She could not understand; Saturnine was dull, dark, silver-grey-blue if you were generous. But nowhere near as resplendent as Argent.
Nothing she could do could do regained her father's attention. She resented him, and her sister.
Then: catastrophe. An experiment gone wrong killed them both.
The grief nearly killed her, too: the regret of her jealousy like acid crawling up her throat.
The Queensguard brought her - the next of kin - the remains of his laboratory. A few trinkets, and his journals.
She has not read them. She fears to know what he thought he was doing.

Why would her alchemist father
do something so dangerous to his child
named after the element of lead?


It took a year.
A year of drowning in her grief and regret before Argent could bring herself to read her alchemist father's journals, the details of his final experiment that killed both him and her little sister, Saturnine.

They disgusted her. She burned them.

She went back to his laboratory. Though the Queensguard had bought her his personal affects when he died, they did not clean the place - and they strongly indicated that they had run out of patience waiting for her to do it.
The explosion of the disaster had left the shadows of her father and sister still on the cave wall. She had to scrub them away.
As she cleaned, it felt as if some significant part of her died, inside. Never to recover.
As she tidied the last of the debris... something caught her eye. A glint. A glimmer. An egg.

An egg, a precious little Nightwing egg.
She pressed her ear to it - a tiny humming, so faint, of a living dragonet, in egg-hibernation.
But... The shell of the egg... Unmistakable. Undeniable.

Was gold.