


6 years, 3 months ago



"Won't you stay here with me and we'll build us some temples, build us some castles, build us some monuments,"

Basics: Damien a spy-assassin. Despite his blindness, he has made himself a skilled asset and a valuable member of his team. Despite the serious nature of his work, Damien is an exceptionally lax. It takes a lot to rile him up, and for the most part, he's simply chill and casual. While he is quite careful when it comes to his work, he's also known for ordering pizza in the middle of the job, or bringing his own tunes to an assassination. He is loyalty to his work beyond all else.

Designed by me

Will not be traded or sold

Drawing notes: Damien should be drawn with his items. His spots are random. His scars should be included.

"And burn them all right down!"

【 Name 】 Damien 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 24 【 D.o.B. 】 December 14th
【 Realm 】 Modern 【 Race 】 Bobcat
【 Role 】 Spy-Assassin 【 Theme 】 The One Moment

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Damien is a limber and athletic bobcat. He is built for speed and stealth. He has a number of scars, the result of many years of work and training with weapons for his work. He wears his blindfold to cover his blindness as it prevents his pale eyes and unfocused gaze from being noticed.


Damien lives in the modern world. He travels everywhere for his job, only spending a small portion of his time within his own country. As his work is completely secret, he cannot have much of a personal life past his work, though he enjoys exploring whatever cities he visits.


Damien is a spy-assassin. Working in a secret government force, he works with a team of other spies to gain information and to take out targets that pose a danger to the country and its people. This is work that Damien loves immensely, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


Most wouldn't consider a blind bobcat to be the best member of an elite spy force working to topple enemy government and put an end to plots against the country-- in fact, most wouldn't consider a blind bobcat capable of much at all. Damien has worked his whole life to prove that notion wrong.

When it comes to his work, Damien is completely devoted. His fellow spies are like his family, and he would lay down his life at the drop of a hat for them. He is exceptionally skilled at his work, and for those opposing the government, a force to be feared-- however, he acts like quite the opposite. Damien always comes off as casual and lax. He's the sort of guy to bring his tunes to a heist, listening to 'spy music' through earbuds as his team infiltrates a target-- never mind that being completely blind means it might be helpful to hear. He jokes around while on the job, and even plays pranks on some of the other spies. Thankfully, his fellow species have adapted to his ways, and both except and find joy in their companion's ways.

Damien's demeanor that of a very relaxed individual, and it's rare to rile him up. Despite how he acts, Damien is a truly valuable asset to the team. His enhanced hearing allows them to catch intel and traps far too quiet for even the other spies to pick up. He's quick to act, and can formulate a plan before most are aware that there's a problem. He's quite witty. He must always work in pairs to make up for his blindness, another spy helping make up for what he cannot see. Though he can't have too much of a life outside of work, he copes amazingly well for the work that he does. Instead of carrying it with him, as soon as the job is over he, he's planning a movie watch with his fellow spies, and probably already ordering a pizza to his motel room. He is the king of one-liners. Catch him when he's not working and he can be rather clumsy-- though it's best not to let him hear you say so our loud. He loves to take on big challenges whether or not his blindness might hold him back.

Damien's whole life was spent proving that he was more than his blindness. Gifted with an enhanced sense of hearing to overcome his lack of sight, he trained himself to use sounds to overcome the expectations of others. As a child he was clumsy, though too proud to accept help; as such he was constantly covered in bruises and scratches. Over the years, however, he learned to cope with his blindness and uses his other senses to his advantage. He came to move with confidence and grace, to the point where many might not even assume he was blind unless they looked into his pale eyes. Refusing to stop there, he decided he was going to go further, and prove that he could do anything he set his mind to. He trained himself is feats of balance and strength, pursuing everything from rock climbing to parkour to game-show like obstacle courses. Though these posed a great challenge to a blind individual, he never let that slow him down, taking the failures along with the success. It was this skill and his quick wit that caught the attention of the spy agency, and he was recruited. Damien signed out without hesitation, knowing that the opportunity to work for the agency would give him purpose, and truly prove that he had defeated his physical restraints. Since then, he has given everything to his work, training endlessly to be certain he could be the team member possible. He must always work in pairs, with partners he trusts with his life. He rarely performs the bloodier part of spy work himself, as his blindness make him less suitable with a weapon. However, more than once he has jumped to the defense of a teammate, and has many scars from those experiences. He truly loves the life he lives, and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
