Vesper Aisling Grimm



6 years, 3 months ago


Vesper Aisling Grimm
Werewolf | 27 | Female


110 lbs
Gender Female
Birthday July 14th


-Rainy days. Thunderstorms
-Indie music, psychodelic pop, rock
-Ravens, Crows, any corvids


-Loud sudden bangs
-Any day above 65 degrees fahrenheit
-Being in large crowds


Vesper is 5'7" tall, with freckled fair skin, gold eyes, and pointed ears that are pierced. She wears minimal makeup, mostly dark lipstick with equally dark eyeliner- but not much else. Her fingernails are black, but she hardly ever paints them, and her teeth are fanged and relatively sharp looking.
She has two tattoos, shown in her reference sheet.
Ves's hair is buzzed short on the sides and spiked up top, a dusty dark gray-black in color. Her clothes are punk-ish yet kept tidy, and are dark in color with some blues and purples thrown in. She always, always wears her bracelet with the coin charm.
She always appears somewhat tired yet still sharp as a tack.
Her werewolf and wolf forms are the same dusted grey-black, a lighter toned crescent moon marking on her chest- freckles having turned to an even lighter shade- almost appearing as stars.
She has a light patch between her shoulders, and darker fur on her legs and tail.


Vesper is, to put it short, a warm hearted individual who hides it behind a very thick wall of ice. She's cold, sarcastic and snarky, uses her intelligence and insults like a weapon and feigns an unapproachable punk-like appearance to drive others off. Yet in the same breath, she's an anxious, lonely, and caring person.
She'll attempt to push others away from befriending her- holding them at arms length, but gives up fast if they are persistent. Ves is quick to frustrate and anger, and struggles to hold in her explosive responses at times.
She's a difficult person to get along with at first.
Her pack are the only people to work Vesper out of her shell, barely. She's still unsure as to why they stick around and wonders when they'll abandon her, too, all the while struggling to trust them (when she really should).
Still, they are her friends- (family?) And she values their company. While her tone of voice and choice of words betray her, she is always attempting to look out for them. Even if the only way she knows how to show appreciation is to offer food.


+Frank Laurent - Werewolf - Owned by Em
+Theodore Capshaw - Ghost - Owned by Em
+Bianca Von Bayros - Witch - Owned by Em
+Dio - Werewolf - Owned by Em
+Anthony (Aant) - Grey Alien - Owned by End

HTML Profile by Coywolfy