[Pumpkin] Cider



8 years, 7 months ago


Job: Information Broker [sells information, past or present]. Cider collects information dealing with both the trivial and important but, naturally, not with out a price!

However, he isn't stingy. He takes his job seriously and will charge fair prices for information. Even though his personality is a little..off.. he would never give out false information.

Despite himself, if someone is desperate for information, with a huff and an eye roll, he might just give a "hint" or two. He denies, and dislikes, his big heart. But don't ask for a discount upfront, or you'll find yourself with nothing at all!

When information goes unused for a long time, he'll right it down and store it away. Being called a historian makes him feel uncomfortable though. The information in the books are free, due to it's irrelevancy.

Age: 53

Magic Status: He has very little magic powers; cannot hold an adult/main form for long than a few days without exhausting himself.

He is almost nearly the equivalent to a "squib" in Harry Potter, although not quite that inept. It really bothers him, and does not like to talk about it. Usa, with it's magical trees and glowing botany, probably attracts him due to simply being around magic, making him feel as well.

Location: Usa Village, although he is constantly traveling, he enjoys the peace that the village brings and the information that can be obtained in the marketplace.

Alternative forms: A Tufted Squirrel and a Red Tailed Deer, he can not stay in them for long. He also has a "main" or "adult" form that he can take to much easier, and that he can stay in for longer.


-Food: Autumn treats such as smoked salmon, acorns, pumpkin seeds and apples

-Hearing new information.

-Eavesdropping on conversations –it gets him in trouble frequently.

-The cool air that night time brings.

-Organized Messes

-Nil, in a very family-like, platonic way !


-Loud sudden noises; doesn’t mind hearing things like the rumble of distant thunder, just nothing right next to his ear

-Someone asking questions with no intent on paying for the information

-Being called his full name, he much prefers just Cider. Naturally, this is why Nil calls him by his first name.

-Someone using large quantities of powers in front of him; a mixture of jealousy/curiosity and the slight fear of the unknown.

-Showing emotion, although his feather tufts and tail tend to give him away

Relationships Henry: Henry raised Cider in Quiet Thicket, they’ve known each other for a very long. He tries to give Cider advice a lot but Cider can be a bit rash and thick-headed. When Cider goes to Henry himself for advice, then it’s an alarm that something is really, badly wrong. Henry can generally see right through Cider, and knows when he is about to do something that he might regret. He constantly warns him to stay out of trouble.

Cider really does respects Henry, although gets annoyed about his laid back “it doesn’t have anything to do with me” life style.

Even though he tries to deny it, as soon as Henry's around, Cider feels a since of "everything is going to be alright now". It's a childish thought, but a feeling he can't quite shake.

Nil: He loves this little girl to pieces, although he won’t admit it. Nil constantly travels with Cider and only when Cider is doing something he would rather not have Nil witness, will he refuse her company. What started off as an annoyed “why are you following me” has turned into a “please come with me”. He tries to find information on her condition (Nil is very powerful but her magic can release in painful, uncontrollable spurts, see her profile for more). He feels very useless while she is using her magic purposefully or non due to his lack of skill in the area. Cider feels much more comfortable showing emotions around her, negative or positive. He doesn't mind her talking constantly, although he won't engage himself unless the conversation perks his interest, but it doesn't mean he isn't listening. He found Nil in the Village of Northern Oasis and feared the magic around the area would soon drive her to be corrupt and took her to Usa for a while.