


1 year, 7 months ago


He was blinded and crippled in the spine at the age of 17, and used a exoskeleton spine to be able to stand and see.
He has a very rare genetic condition which turns his emotional distress into body strength and brain focus.
He enjoys customizing and racing cars.

Growing up in a country household with a pastor father, Preston was a quiet child. His mother died before he was even a year old, and his father was emotionally, and sometimes even physically abusive. It was rare to see Preston happy when he was a child. Although he took a particular interest in cart racing, his father would not allow him to do so, burning all history he had with the sport. He was birthed with the purpose of being passed down the mantle of being a pastor, a preacher for his father's church. He refused in secrecy, being an atheist during his childhood. He kept in contact with his grandfather, who lived in Fortune Capital. After his 15th birthday, one which he would describe as being the worst birthday of his life, he got into his first fight in school. Four senior students in his high school pushed him too far and caused him to finally fight back. All four were beaten to a pulp, despite being on the school wrestling team. Preston's father was livid. Despite the situation, his father didn't understand. And for that, he wasn't allowed to speak with anyone until he turned 18, as punishment by his father. Unable to take the mental and physical abuse anymore, on a stormy night, Preston took his belongings, and used the rain as cover to steal his father's car and flee to Fortune Capital. The drive was long, tiring, and emotional. Though once he finally arrived, he ditched the car and found his grandfather, living with him for the next 2 years. In that time period, he met two close friends, of whom he would spend plenty of time with.

Teen/Young Adult Years

Preston is 17. A month ago his friend had taken out a loan from a company. While riding in the backseat of his friend's car, himself and both of his friends were conversating about the situation. Upon taking a turn, a semi truck t-boned the car, sending Preston out of the window. Preston landed on a sharp rock on his spine, and gasoline flung into his eyes, crippling him near instantly, and slowly, painfully blinding him over time. The friend in the passenger's seat died instantly. The friend in the driver's seat died as a rock impaled him. The last thing he ever saw with his real eyes were his dead friends in the front seats of that car. Preston is tended to by his grandfather the coming months. He's blinded and wheelchair bound for 4 months. When offered to be given a new set of eyes via surgery, Preston declines, stating that he doesn't wish to remove the eyes that watched his friends die. A solution is then brought to light, and his grandfather begins work on a system which connects a new exo-skeletal spine to his brain, connecting to a visor. After 5 months, Preston is able to walk again with the new spine, and uses the visor to see. Suspicious of the event, in the background, Preston's grandfather begins investigating the event which caused Preston to go blind and the deaths of his friends. Unknowing to him, however, he poked around too much. After month 6, Preston came home to see his grandfather dead with a gunshot to his temple, a gun in hand.


Devastated, Preston would live the next few years in a deep depression, having lost what family he truly had left. Preston turns 20, and news breaks out from an anonymous source, that a loan company has been outed as being a group of loan sharks, who kill their customers if they fail to make payments, forcing their families or life insurance to pay instead. Investigators also happen to wind up dead, or missing, upon looking into the company or their actions. As it happens, this was the same company Preston's friends took out a loan on. Recognizing the logo, he immediately went into a rage, and headed for their office. A full eight floors of carnage, Preston would beat everyone in the building within an inch of their lives before reaching the CEO's office, in which he resided. Uncaring of his own life anymore, he attacked the CEO and a fight ensued. Beaten and tired, Preston reigned victorious. Shaking with rage, he beat the CEO as he was down and defenseless. He wound up one final strike, before striking straight through the floor next to the CEO's head. "Killing you would make me no better than you." He fled the scene, leaving everyone in the building to the mercy of the police. Preston was at large for the next 5 years, staying in hiding and only revealing himself to the night, as Nightwraith, ensuring that this never happens to anyone ever again. Preston is 25 when he moves from Fortune to Nymphis, which he will soon after meet one Specter.

Preston Serim
Male (He/Him)
20th of July, 22XX
Mechanic/ Vigilante

A hothead, whom deep down only wishes well for others around him. A selfless man with a troubled childhood, Preston will push for a better future for all, with force if necessary.

Driving Street-Style Fighting Strategy Board Games
Video Games Stealth Keeping Calm

Growing up, Preston has had a fascination with carts and racing. He used his knowledge of such to escape home and make an illegal living street racing, making a name for himself in Fortune before moving to Nymphis. Upon returning to Fortune, those who’ve heard the story instantly recognize him and his car. Preston’s genetic condition converts his anger into strength and focus. Being hot headed, a single insult would be enough to help him take on just about any martial artist. Growing up, Preston wasn’t allowed to play video games. Instead, his father forced him to play strategy games like chess, checkers, and casino card games like Texas hold ‘em poker and blackjack. He sees no real reason to put any of these skills to use, and would prefer not to use them regardless, as they do remind him of his childhood.

Design Notes
# 454545
# FF291D
# 692724, 401412, 7D3C39
# 182634
# 110E0E, 837B7B, 111213
Scarring behind visor is only visible when the visor is off
Scars along both shoulders
Visor can display emotions and symbols relative to expression.
Real eyes are light grey with no pupils
Cars Friends

Preston loves everything about cars, especially custom rides. His hands practically melt into the wheel and he can control a car as if it were an extension of his body. From time to time, he also enjoys talking with friends and getting to know others, even if his speaking skills aren’t the best.

His Father Board Games Religion

Preston has a burning hatred for his own father, due to his past as an abuse victim from him. He also dislikes bullies, board games, and religion.

Preston is pansexual, though leans slightly more towards men.
Depending on how angry he is, Preston is able to lift anything as heavy as a car over his head, though will collapse in exhaustion several minutes later.
Preston was the 1st place winner of a go-cart racing tournament when he was little.
Preston isn’t experienced with caring for children.
Samuel (Sam) Theiss
My most trusted partner, would do anything for him.

First meeting was rough but after all we have been through I would never doubt Preston and I trust him with everything.

Zivon Theiss
Known him my whole life, taught me lots!

After Sam found Zivon both Preston and Sam helped raise him till Preston moves away a few years later.

Caruso Krause
Rough meeting but grudging trust and partnership due to certain events

Met while taking down corrupt casino, Caruso worked there and was not able to get out on his own but helped Preston.

Leilah Astraeva
Here are my thoughts about this person. I will keep them brief.

Put a brief description of this relationship here. How did these two characters meet? How do they interact?

Zeru Hohlt
Have only heard about him but he sounds like a good guy, Sam vouches for him and i trust his words.

Have not met in person yet but Zeru has heard about Preston through Sam, and Zeru trusts Sams judgment on him.

Rhea Orlov
One of the best racers I've seen! Plus he's a decent person.

Met at the underground racing scene and got along well over their mutual love of cars and racing.


Preston is a sympathetic, selfless man, who has little regard to himself when it comes to helping others. He’s logical, courageous, and no doubt can and will help those who can’t help themselves. However, his selflessness can come back to bite him, as he is easily able to be manipulated. Should it happen, he’s a hothead with a short fuse, and with how violent and hateful he can be outside of his monotone, serious nature, those around him could often be too scared to interact with him.