Leonel Calixto



1 year, 6 months ago


【 Name 】Leonel Calixto de Castro【 Nicknames 】Leo, Leon
【 Age 】35 years old【 Gender 】 Guy (he/him)
【 Height 】5' 7" | 1,70 m【 Orientation 】 Bisexual
【 D.o.B 】November 4th, 1890 ♏【 Ethnicity 】Mixed Latino (Brazilian)
【 Nationality 】Dual Citizen (US/Brazil)【 Title 】 Exceptional Teacher
【 Role/Story 】 Mastermind | Gran Hotel Solaire【 Playlist】SUNSHINE & RAINBOWS 🍏🌈✨

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【 Appearance 】
When you look at Leonel Calixto, you can immediately tell that he’s a teacher. If not by the comfy clothes and the pins on his sweater — an art tray and an apple, respectively —  by the dark circles behind his glasses and the paint stains so frequently spotted on his sleeves and fingers. He stands at an average height and his brown curly hair complements his mellow look almost perfectly.  It’s hard to ignore, however, how mismatched his scars look compared to everything else. The whole left side of his body is filled with these burn scars and honestly, as much as it’s hard not to stare… and despite how used he is to it, you really shouldn’t.
【 Personality 】
Leonel is soft as warm bread. He’s patient, sweet, and just clumsy enough to look cute. His main goal in life is to be a better person than he was yesterday, so he tries to be as helpful as he can be. Although his jealousy and envy get the best of him sometimes, it all quickly goes away with a simple thought, one that he repeats like a mantra: “sunshines and rainbows.”
Good Traits
Responsible, caring, cheery, pragmatic
Bad Traits
Clumsy, secretive, jealous, envious, he's literally a scorpio
【 Background 】
Leonel was responsible for Marion Yavuz's murder. thats all you need to know for now! #girl
【 Other Info 】
- Leonel's kin onion can be found here!
- The left side of his body is filled with burn scars.
- He was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, so his first language is Portuguese.
- Used to be a babysitter before being a teacher! He just really loves kids.
- Was left-handed before the accident that caused his scars. Now he has a hard time moving his left arm and leg properly, so he learned how to use his right hand for writing. Luckily, it wasn't that hard.
- i keep she/hering him in my head so one day it might be real
【 Design Notes 】
- He's always comfy no matter what :]