Basic Info

vibe check

cool dude. musician and musical theatre actor. trying his best to be a good person


full name; Usnavi 'The Rum Tum Tugger' 

goes by; Tugger 'Tugs' 

age + birthday; Mid Adult; 23-26 (31st July)

gender; Male (he/him)

orientation + status; Bisexual Homoromantic (taken; engaged to Kovu)

occupation; Actor; Musical Theatre 

hobbies; Playing acoustic guitar, piano, drums, sax, trumpet and bagpipes; singing + songwriting; collecting vinyls + cassettes; parkour; skateboarding; dancing ballet, street, contemporary and ballroom.

likes; Tabletop gaming (monopoly, card games, tiddlywinks, uno, chess exc); fairy lights; candles; LUSH; taxis; night time; playing cards ; cats cradles; city life; succulents, the only plants he doesn't manage to kill; recycling; the scent of lemons.

dislikes; his hair, it's too frizzy for his liking; mornings; open spaces; throwing things away; electrical instruments. 


chaotic good / isfp-t

Tugger grew up in poverty, with a single parent in a dodgy part of  town. He was never very good in school bar drama, and regularly found  himself in the prinicpals office for being the class clown. He used  humour and acting as a coping mechanism during his rough childhood.  Around his 11th birthday his parent grew very ill, Tugger ended up  becoming their carer for the next few years until they passed away when  he was 14. From there, he hopped around the foster care system, seen as a  troubled child and often running away from his various foster parents.

During this time he ended up discovering a love for music,  occasionally joining the local theatres shows and getting a part time  job as a quaint music shop. He used music as a solace and a constant  despite everything else in his life going up in smoke.

Around the age of 16, he ended up joining a gang to find a stronger  sense of belonging. He earned the alias 'Rum Tum Tugger' during this  time, which he still publically goes by to this day. He uses it mostly  to remind himself never to let himself stoop as low as he did during  this time again. His gang were pretty ruthless and started robbing the  local shops and banks. They eventually were targeted and taken down by  an undercover police officer. Tugger was the first to be caught, and  during his time at the police station he assualted the police officer  that had been undercover in his gang in a fit of rage. During his trial  he ended up pleading guilty, and in addition to his good behaviour he  got relased from prison a tad early on good behaviour.

Now in his mid twenties with nothing else keeping him in the town but  old memories, he decided to take what little he owned and hop around to  find a new home. He slept rough for about a year and played as a street  performer to gain a bit of extra cash during this time. Eventually he  was talent scouted by Mistofolees: someone who ended up being his  estranged half brother! With Mistos help he got a gig at a local theatre  and started earning enough to support himself again.

After a few years he ended up taking Ciri and Ashe under his wing,  seeing them both as adopted little siblings. The gang didn't really fit  into his tiny apartment but they made it work. Ashe ended up going back  to his biological family eventually, whereas Ciri started earning enough  with her IT hacking skills to help out with the bills here and there.


Tugger rose through the ranks at his theatre and eventually started  being cast as the lead in a lot of shows. The theatre simultaneously got  put on the map. Tugger and most of his troop ended up going to  Broadway, building  another branch of their theatre in the big city.  They were chosen to help be the original cast of a new musical, and  during this gig is where Tugger met his husband, Kovu. Kovu (aka Nuka  Bomb) ended up writing all the songs for the hit musical, and during the  plays production the two slowly fell in love. After about a year of  seeing each other, Kovu proposed and the two got married. Tugger moved  in with Kovu, leaving his apartment for Ciri and when he needs to be  closer to his theatre during a show's production season. It feels weird  being married to a famous musician but ultimately Kovu is his rock and  he enjoys the little family they've made. They've recently been joined  in the penthouse by his step-child Theodosia, who Tugger welcomed with  open arms.

Tugger has become somewhat of a minor celebrity himself, mostly being  known for acting in some hit broadway musicals so his fans tend to be  more of a niche crowd then Kovu's. He's not really one for fame and  fortune so going from rags to riches is still something he's getting  used to, especially as being in a dual-celebrity couple means that the  press is always watching you! This is also why he kept his alias, the  media knows vaguely about his shady past so he's not too bothered about  that coming to light. He's more concerned about keeping his current  personal life private, preffering to avoid most red carpet events and  premiere's he's invited too unless it's fora project he's really  passionate about or Kovu asks him to attend with him. He's recently  started dabbling in voice acting, and also occasionally collaborates  with Kovu on songs. Despite his newfound fame, he prefers to lay low and  enjoy the simpler things in life. He's lucky that he tends not to get  recognised often day to day, allowing him to enjoy living in the city  comfortably for the first time in his life.


base concept;

Actor?? He's just a cool dude and that was the goal, really. x"D


Tugger now lives with his fiancee Kovu in his penthouse in the city, though his still owns his old apartment which he now rents out to his old flatmate Ciri. He occasionally stays in his old apartment when he needs to be at work very early or very late at night since it's right next to his theatre.

health notes; 

-Relatively physically healthy; he gets his flu jab each year and when he does get sick he normally just troops on through as best he can. 

-He was diagnosed with chronic derealisation  when he was about 19, though up until that point he thought that he had been experiencing depression. He now regularly goes to therapy, and is trying various treatments. 

---He tends to try to ground himself a lot to try stay present like scratching, biting his lips, playing with bumpy or sharp things or.pickong his nails. 

---He can feel disoriented in bright blue light for too long so does carry sunglasses around just incase, though has learnt to deal with the feeling when performing on stage with spotlights. 

--- As a result his apartment is dimly lit with candles and fairylights.

---He often still gets feelings of not being present, and can forget chunks of time if he was overly stressed and his mind just spaced out. 

--- As a result he keeps a scrapbook and carries a small throwaway camera/Polaroid around so he can take pictures and piece together memories later if they do become forgotten.  


-Clicks his teeth a lot, especially when annoyed, being sarcastic or passive aggressive.
-Whistles when cheerful or feeling confident.

-His fur is super duper curly and he finds it a pain to manage; he also dislikes others touching it without permission.
-Has to wear a hair net to bed because of his insane bed heads; his hair gets overly tangled. Neither his bed heads nor his hairnet are overly flattering.
-Sleeps at really inhuman times, namely from 5am til 1pm. Subsequently people often have to plan around this once they knew him well enough; because if he's promised to be somewhere, he'll just not sleep beforehand if it's during these times.
-Tugger very rarely breaks his word; the phrase 'cross my heart and hope to die' is literal here,,

-Will never back down from a dare if he can help it.
-Loves board top games and has come to master most of the classics.
-Always carried around playing cards since they're good icebreakers and can be used for many games.
-Also carries about a load of string, he loves chewing, fiddling with it and playing cat's cradle with it.

-Buys all his cosmetics from LUSH for their policies which he himself believes in.
-Secretly wears eyeliner but will never admit it... Subsequently hates crying because it runs.

-Utterly terrible with technology; refuses to play electronic instruments.
-Favourite instrument is the saxophone, but can play trumpet, piano, drums, guitar as well as the bagpipes oddly enough.
-Will often sing along to any song if he knows it; from stuff being played in the streets to rowdy partiers singing karaoke as he joins in from the sidelines.

-Often does free running/parkour. Likes to see the city from a vantage point and know many of the good routes around town like the back of his hand. Has also gotten stuck a lot too.
-Has loads of tiny grazes and cuts from both childhood and the hobby above.
-Tugs often gets lost in more natural setting since he's so use to urban life; to him all the trees look the same and the relative silence is confusing.
-Use to the feeling on concrete under paw/foot.
-Skateboards rather regularly now that's he's given up his motorbike.

-Flexible and will squeeze into smol spaces when feeling nervous.
-Dislikes open spaces as there's often no where to hide- even if he is a fast runner he sees that as a last resort.

-Doesn't throw stuff away most of the time and finds a use for them elsewhere; finds new homes for everything else.
-Flat is a total dump because of this, though he swears there's method to the madness. Does tend to notice when things are moved.
-Has loads of succulents because he forgets to water other plants. They're all different species so he can tell the difference and they all have names!
-Is fascinated with fairylights and this can be seen around his home... there are no lightbulbs so he gets about by fairylight and candlelight. Loves the smell of lemons so most of his candles smell like this.

-Face claim: Daveed Diggs.
-The parent Navi lived with as a child spoke fluent Spanish as well as was a vegan [even in human form], Tugs being bilingual and having a distaste for meat, eggs, milk and cheese; he just never had them available to him as a child and doesn't see why others enjoy the taste.
-Also knows bits of French from the various plays he's performed in.

-Him and Kovu own two rescue cats! An old ragdoll called Simba and a maine coon kitten called Mufasa.

