Steph's Comments

How is this cutey not in my favorites!!! :o Adorable~~~ :D

Some of them slip through, I'm not sure how! She's one of the cuties in my "so orange" tag with Nubelle and Viikori and Perris xD I really like characters that have peach and orange coloring~

Haha, I understand~ I have that same orange hair on Ayame, and I sort of see her as one of my main characters~ I also keep making new characters with that peachy orange colour hair~xD Though my obsession still seems to be blue hair~xD

I'm not sure how many characters I have that are all over one main colour though... most of there clothing is fairly colorful or contracting their skin/hair colour, so I have very few that are one main colour... I need to remedy that~:o

I like characters that manage to look vibrant and unique even while only having one main color. You should definitely try to make a few!

Yeah, it's really cool, I have to try that~~~ :D