Beta Aríthmos



1 year, 6 months ago


An inkling that came from a pair of famous weapons designers. As much of the fame, money, and privilege that Betas' family came from it was far from the ideal. Since his parents were such important people there was little to no time for him and his sister to bond with them, even to where his sister had to practically raise him despite being a child herself. One day they both came to the conclusion that if they trained their butts off and became famous Turf Warriors, then maybe their parents would finally notice them. In a way it did work, only a little. Their parents neglect continued until something miraculous had happened. A new baby was arriving! After a confrontation from the siblings the parents had realized that they hadn't exactly been the ideal parents and decided to dedicate more time to spending it with family, especially after the new squid arrived. And so they did! At the current time, everything for the family seems to be okay and Beta has focused more on going into the same work as his parents, albeit not to be as focused on it as his parents had been. He wasn't going to repeat the same mistakes. Whenever he's not Turf Waring, he's usually hanging out at Ammo Knights or watching his sister participate in Anarchy Battles.

Age: 16 Splatoon. 18 Splatoon 2. 23 Splatoon 3.

Eng Voice: Eric Vale. Ex. Yuki Soma
Jap Voice: Toshiyuki Toyonaga. Ex. Yuri Katsuki