Mistress Misery | Bhaerva



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Eliza | Bhaerva






god (creature deified upon death)




The lonesome god, Mistress Misery,    Eliza / Bhaerva  (buh-HARE-vuh)

  • Yearns for company, but wherever she is around, the land turns dark, the sun cowering behind the clouds, and the warmth seeped from the air. unlike her surroundings, her body is unbearably, boiling hot to the touch, no matter what layers of cloth she plasters to her frame (and the cloth, it often melts and merges to her flesh). 
  • She will lure creatures with a sweet smelling odour, something familiar and nostalgic to them, and a trail of dainty, pink and gold butterflies (the wings of which, can sell for a high price- used for dye and sweet-stews)
  • Among the gods she is known as Bhaerva, but she prefers the name that one of her past lovers (now deceased) gave her, Eliza. She has received no sweeter nor heartfelt gift in her time, and just the thought of her past love reduces her to wailing tears.
  • Is mostly a melancholy and somber god, unless provoked, but if she has been without company for a long while, she may go on a bitter rampage and poison the lands around her with darkness and cold, killing all plants and life in the vicinity quite quickly. However, since Daharus's main keyaa-anomly is plant overgrowth, unless Eliza has her rampage near civilization or crops, the creatures of Daharus don't much care. In fact, sometimes daharians may provoke her on purpose so she can clear an area that needs cleared, or, the kinder and smarter creatures, giving her an offering or providing company in return for this service. When she roams Derrodas though, a region that already struggles with plant growth, it can be a real issue.

Relationship with August:
  • Has a long-standing friendship with August and visits him now and again, usually once a year at least. Usually when August is alone, to not draw unwanted attention. Used to visit him much more often when he was younger (and lonelier, before Amek).
  • Met August when he was around 9ish. August felt bad because he always heard she was so lonely, and some creatures even tried to upset her on purpose!.... Sometimes, her wailing would cut through the night, and August couldn't understand how some creatures celebrated it. Because he was lonely too, but he'd learn to stop crying. It only hurt more when no one came after all. So the next time he heard Bhaerva crying, he sought her out to give her some company.
  • Bhaerva tried to scare him off at first, figuring it was someone else who came to upset her, call her ugly, or take away her small comforts. And though August was terrified, shaking like a leaf in the wind, he tried to meet her eyes, and offered to stay if she wanted company. (though it wasn't the same, he felt some solidarity with the mistress misery. some creatures looked a his little-arm like it was truly unsightly). Bhaerva, confused more than anything else, but also curious, finally accepted. Because Mistress Misery can sense loneliness, so she is aware of the ache in August's chest, familiar as it is to her own.