Chance Bones



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




December 19th




Hunter, Sun Division


Traditional sketching, observing people, reading, history


Has an obsession with space, especially stars / constellations


3 sets of earrings in each ear


Keywords: Easygoing, seemingly cheerful, distant, vague, a daydreamer, sociable, yet keeps himself separated from getting close to people, unruffled by most things, apathetic about a lot of things.


  • He smiles a lot, and seems perfectly at ease with himself and everyone else, but the truth is that he's not. He feels disassociated with the world around him and like he's never really fit in, drifting aimlessly from place to place without any real sense of self or of home. He had a hard life, and a hard childhood, but the scars Chance bears are mostly emotional, rather than physical. He's not the sort of hardened teenage runaway several of the people he grew up with are; instead, he seems almost numb to the world around him, as though he's locked away most emotions until they're buried so deep he can't reach them anymore.

  • He's definitely pleasant to those around him; part of why he was able to be emancipated as a teenager was, as the counselor put it, his "maturity and responsibility for one at his age." He follows directions and listens well, moving methodically through the motions though there is no heart to them, no real emotion or feeling behind what he does. And while he has had a hard life, Chance doesn't see it as such, nor does he make an attempt at gaining sympathy or pity for what he's gone through. In his mind, it's merely a fact of life, and there's nothing to be gained from pushing his past onto others. He doesn't hide it, but he doesn't flaunt it either.

  • He's a silent dreamer, yet tells no one of what he dreams about, of what he thinks about when he's by himself or when he just seems to look out into the distance, mostly because Chance isn't even really sure himself what he wants anymore. He creates vivid scenarios inside of his head, worlds that he can pick apart and change to his liking, but he never acts on his impulses, or seems to make an effort to make any of his dreams a reality.

  • As for relationships, he has no qualms about a lot of things, as long as there's no attachments. He won't actively pursue anyone, but if an opportunity presents itself, then he most likely won't turn it down, because he sees little reason to. Chance basically lives in the world, but he doesn't feel a part of it.


  • Originally from Detroit, Michigan, down the street from the Eastown Theatre. He grew up in a single parent household with a mother who cared little about her son or his "dark shadows," and who neglected him for the majority of his life, leaving him to fend for himself. Chance ran away when he was fifteen, living on the streets until he found a place to stay a few weeks later at a homeless shelter. With the help of an understanding (or, as Chance put it, naive) counselor and a free child legal aid office, he became an emancipated minor, got a job as a waiter, saved up money; and when he was seventeen he left the home for boys in which he had been placed and found a crappy little apartment to live in while he worked and provided for himself. And yet he still felt completely separate from everyone and everything, simply going through the motions of friendship and life without actually feeling them. Several years later, as an adult who now worked in a bookstore, when Chance was approached by the recruiting men of Deus, he seized the opportunity.



Pin (on front of coat when NOT holding bow):
