
1 year, 10 months ago



"I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky..."
Name [Flit Gemini]
Name Pronunciation [Fluh-itt]
Species [Celestial magpie]
Age [Over 10,000--appears 35]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him/his]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Guardian of the stars]
Residence [The Heavens]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Eyes are bright orange
  • Legs are black
  • Beak is black
  • Main body is bright orange
  • Wings, tail, and head are deep purple

Flit is intelligent, outgoing, and charming. Some wonder, however, who he really is beneath the surface--and, to be honest, he is not quite sure himself! Flit has frequent difficulty in making up his mind and in deciding where his loyalties lie, which can lead to problems. However, his positive traits always see him through in the end. Theme song: MIKA--Grace Kelly:


Flit's responsibility in existence and reason for creation is to guard the constellation Gemini. He enjoys this work just fine, but has many diverse interests that keep him busy, in addition. Flit always seems to be "on the go"--in his mind, there is so much to explore! In addition to his own pursuits, Flit is fortunate to have a cadre of colleagues who help to keeps things interesting for him.


Ambrosia is Flit's colleague who guards the constellation Capricorn. She is serious, cautious, and keeps to herself--traits that differ widely from those of Flit! Though Ambrosia can be flustered by Flit at times, she recognizes that he means well, and thus attempts to be warm with him. Flit, in turn, admires Ambrosia's personality strengths, and hopes that they will become closer.


August also works alongside Flit as the guardian of the constellation Leo. He is extravagant, cheerful, and commanding, characteristics which have drawn Flit to him. Flit considers himself to be something like August's "court jester," and delights in amusing him. August greatly enjoys Flit's company and sense of humor, in turn.


Diane is the colleague of Flit who guards the constellation Scorpio. She is defensive, keeps to herself, and can be acidic. However, she is also intensely loyal and protective, and Flit wishes to bond with her further in order to enjoy these aspects of her being. Diane, for her part, can be annoyed by Flit's inconsistent ways, but also appreciates his genuine interest in her.


Watching over the constellation Libra is Don, another coworker of Flit's. Don is calm, patient, and enjoys spending time with others, and he and Flit thus get along nicely. Flit has noticed that Don's self-confidence could use some work, and does what he can to help Don in this area. Don is grateful for Flit's efforts, and is trying to learn from him.


The coworker of Flit's who watches over the constellation Virgo is Elizabeth. Flit recognizes Elizabeth's impressive intelligence, and thus admires her, but wishes that she would relax more. In turn, Elizabeth appreciates Flit's brains, but can be frustrated by his inconsistency. Still, the two have true fondness for one another, and seem to be able to look past their differences.


Europa is a colleague of Flit's who guards the constellation Taurus. She is dependable, predictable, and patient. While Flit appreciates these qualities on the one hand, he would also like to see Europa add a little spice to her life! Europa is unsure regarding this matter, but nevertheless appreciates Flit's attempts to include her in his fun.


Jason watches over the constellation Aries, and so he also works with Flit. He is a bold, adventurous sort, and thus he very much enjoys spending time with Flit. Flit thinks highly of Jason's bravery, and wishes to learn more of it from him. In turn, Flit's cheery personality helps Jason to temper some of his aggression.


Leah, who is responsible for the constellation Pisces, is another coworker of Flit's. Flit attempts to bond with dreamy, idealistic Leah by making jokes. Sensitive Leah does not always enjoy these, but appreciates that Flit is attempting to befriend her. Flit is fascinated by Leah's ideas and hopes, and thus is committed to continuing to get to know her.


Responsible for the constellation Cancer is Pacifica, an additional coworker of Flit's. She is caring and insightful, but emotionally sensitive, and thus can take Flit's quips the wrong way. In Flit's opinion, Pacifica is a great person--she just needs to lighten up a bit. Pacifica, for her part, is beginning to understand that Flit just wants to have fun, and is thus hopeful that they may yet bond.


The guardian of the constellation Sagittarius is Philip, Flit's coworker. Philip is wordly, cheerful, and talkative, and so he and Flit get along famously. Flit delights in learning more about and partaking in Philip's adventures. In turn, Philip considers Flit to be an intriguing companion.


Woodrow is Flit's coworker who guards the constellation Aquarius. He is a bit distant, but intelligent and optimistic. Flit is always thrilled to be in Woodrow's company--he delights in discussing all sorts of ideas with him. Woodrow, in turn, has begun to open up to Flit, who he sees as a like-minded comrade.