


6 years, 3 months ago


About 2 inches tall, Burrowers make tunnels in urban and suburban neighborhoods where there is a buildup of human houses.

They possess average human intelligence and manipulate devices to make clothing and jewelry. The Burrow has a group of gatherers who leave the tunnels and gather useful materials from the human domiciles. Burrowers can carry up to 100x their weight. Their mouths are very small and on the underside of their chins

They possess average human intelligence and manipulate devices to make clothing

The Burrowers have two queens, the Svelte and Adroit queens. Each queen is responsible for different aspects of Burrow life, the Svelte Queen is responsible for internal affairs and the training of Magi. The Adroit Queen is responsible for the force of explorers and the guard.

Burrowers have the ability to house magic within themselves, but cannot produce it naturally. The Queens are the wellsprings, granting certain kinds of magic to curious Burrowers wanting to learn to use magic.

Their names are usually words they read, with them able to read and pronounce human words but having no idea what they mean.

Magi is a blanket term for a Burrower given magic by the queen. There are several kinds of magic the Burrowers have access to.
Water Magic, Fire Magic, Earth Magic, and Air Magic are the most common, being the first types Magi learn, and many stop there just learning enough to make day to day life easy
Combat magic is a specialization upon the techniques of the basic magics to be used for combat purposes
Shapechanging magic is only known by a singular non-queen member of the Burrow
And finally, Creation magic is known only by Queens, and is used to create new Burrowers.

Art and description by Violetpool