SGT. Cooper Strong



1 year, 6 months ago


Sergeant Cooper Strong

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Closeted/Gay

Height: 5ft 6


Security Clearance level: Level 3


Sergeant Strong has been working for the foundation as a field agent for about 15 years. Being part of Team Mercury for most of his time there- Strong as been through many missions and has sworn to secrecy and loyalty to the foundation.

After an incident during a termination mission Sergeant Strong has been taken from his foundation in [Redacted] and transferred to [Redacted] and has been assigned a new mission: Stay by Dr. Aleksandr Bychkov's side and keep him safe by any means necessary.


Cooper joined the foundation at the age of 23- he got married to a woman in his town at the age of 26. He stayed in the foundation for 5 years having a son with his wife before getting shot by friendly fire on a recovery mission in [Redacted] trying to contain [Redacted]. Cooper was discharged and sent home for recovery but due to the foundation's laws and how they run things Copper got extremely paranoid feeling as if he was being watched and that the foundation was trying to remove him for knowing too much. He would refuse to eat food and drink anything that wasn't made by him- if given anything he would dispose of it as soon as its given.

this happened for half a year: Coopers wife found him sitting in the kids room in a protective manner with one of the guns he was discharged with: as he was worried that the foundation would being coming for his son. His wife couldn't take much more of his paranoia and they were divorced shortly after the incident.

Cooper stayed up in a hotel for a month before going back to the [Redacted] foundation and going back into the ranks of team Mercury. He worked of the next 10 years with team Mercury before the [Redacted] incident- suffering from survivor's guilt Cooper came back the only survivor and was given new orders to follow.

Keep Dr. Aleksandr Bychkov safe.