☀️ calcifer



6 years, 3 months ago



"Be the sunshine!"
Basic Info

NAME calcifer adler
RACE Black
OCCUPATION content creator
GENDER cis male (he/him)
SPECIES dainty
AGE 26
SALIVA FLAVOR lemonades (girl scout cookies)
EAR TYPE rounded sheep
SEXUALITY bisexual
BIRTHDAY july 17
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • His freckles are everywhere, they’re just darkest on his face.
  • There is a gradient at the bottom of his stockings!

  • Donec vel urna et quam scelerisque placerat
  • Suspendisse vel arcu mollis, mollis odio sed
  • Praesent ac eros condimentum
  • Aliquam nec nibh eu ipsum convallis tincidunt sed a ipsum
  • Vivamus feugiat est porttitor
  • Curabitur vel mauris ac nulla pulvinar dictum
  • Phasellus sollicitudin mauris tempor

an,,,angel,,,, my baby son ive had since i was a kiddp,, real talk, Cal is generally very warm! Regardless of how well he knows you, he is generally inviting and kind. It's very easy to take advantage of. He is always down to smile and crack a joke if you need it, or bring you cupcakes if you're feeling down, even if you've literally only spoken twice he knows your favorite color by observation and makes sure the frosting matches it. He truly wants to have a good time! For him, that means finding friends he trusts and hanging out for hours on end. They don't even need to go out; he's happy where they're happy! But those who know him best can tell that he isn't all sunshine: he's intelligent and meticulous, considering the moves he makes before he makes them. When in a sour mood, he just stays home and makes content and tries to bake/craft his problems away as not to wallow in misery (a difficult-to-break private tendency of his).  But with emotional awareness comes calm conflict resolution and the kind of awareness of character that makes you feel seen through. Mind, he doesn't ever swear. that wouldn't be very sunshyyn of him. It takes certain boundaries being crossed for him to know he just has to yell it out.


  • his job and fans! he'll do anything for them; he’ll stream at midnight if he has to, considering that he lives in the united states but is from europe. he wants to cater to everyone!
  • baking :]
  • the STEM field, his favorite subcategory being data science even though he wanted to do biotechnology most of all.
  • his family. he was especially close to his mom when she was alive, but he adores his whole extended family.
  • being out and about; big city living was made for him.
  • superhero comics! he is a big ol' sucker for marvel, but not really a fan of the movies.
  • bubble tea
  • making music! he plays the acoustic guitar and dabbles in mixing.
  • sweets! he can’t make everything that he likes, but he sure is trying to.
  • this sounds super obvious, but he LOVES his friends with his whole heart! he's extra careful to maintain and outwardly cherish his relationships.

  • loud noises/jumpscares
  • people that can’t take no for an answer (he’s a pushover, but only to a certain extent)
  • bitter... anything. (haha, bases, he laughs in chemistry joke)
  • cars! he refuses to drive when it’s raining and has to always sit in the back with earbuds in so that he can’t hear the street noise.
  • fake people. they’re one of the few things that disgust him! especially when it’s on his youtube platform like. no wonder we have a bad rep
  • when people can’t be sensitive. eesh.
  • being short. smh leave him alone

Born in England as the younger of two to a Dainty father and human mother, Calcifer Adler is absolutely the the living incarnate of the sunshine. Never seen in public without a smile, he is a total sweetheart. He has an older human sister, Elise Adler, and the two grew up as happy and well cared-for children. After a big move to the West Coast of the United States for high school, Cal found a passion for the sciences and technology, joining his school's SciOly and CyberPatriot teams. He aspired to become a biotechnologist and put the entirety of his hope and energy into that. Unfortunately, Calcifer's mother perished in a violent car crash (for which he was present) and Calcifer lost much of his time to hospitalization and recovery. Cal was utterly plagued by the loss of his mother. He dropped most of his committments and became a quiet, "in the shadows" kind of guy. It took the emergence of a dainty freshman that desperately needed help, Jumin Garcia, to wake him up. Cal once again became an active member in his school community, and with the help of Ju felt emboldened to join the ASB (which he was the president of in his senior year). Post-graduation, he threw himself into his studies. He majored in computer science with a minor in psychology. After completing a bachelor's in science, he proceeded towards his master's.

Calcifer never got his Master's. Following an abusive relationship, he took a massive risk that many considered ill-planned in starting a career as a youtuber. It was a small endeavor at first, and he told himself that he could always continue with his schooling should it flop, as he hadn't left school in bad standing but rather on the pretense of a mental health necessity. The idea was simple: Calcifer didn't want people to be alone in whatever they were dealing with. He was fortunate enough to be supported by others throughout his own life and that made all the difference- Cal has been overwhelmingly positive despite everything. sunshyyn really was a passion project that blew up. Little vlogs that spread positive messages became longer videos as Calcifer found genuine support in talking to a camera. A few souls who sought out his energy to help them through their darker days became a couple hundred, and a couple hundred became some thousands and as time progressed, snowballed into a few million. 7 million, now.

Presently, his channel is Cal's full time commitment! The entire aura is extremely caring with an aesthetic touch. He loves everybody on his crew, and his uploads include vlogs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, gameplay Mondays, "random Saturdays", and Sundays off! He attends conventions when he can. His editor, Juliet, ends up in a bunch of videos somehow.

Overall, Calcifer is happy in his current situation. He feels that his friends have made and supported him; for them, he is the brightest young man. His past experiences have left him with scars, both mental and physical. He cannot deny that, in many ways, he has been hurting. But his coping mechanism has proven extremely effective and a source of relief Calcifer can safely submerge himself in. He loves helping out and at night he goes to bed with asore face from smiling. He strives to please and entertain, but that's definitely secondary to making people know that they are loved and supported. At the end of every video, his outro—"Be the Sunshine"—sums him up pretty damn well: Calcifer Adler keeps glowing for you despite any and all odds.