


8 years, 7 months ago


Other Names: Unnamed » Pebblekit » Pebblepaw » Pebbleskip / Pebblefall / Pebblefang
Name meaning: {Pebble} - named for his gray coloring and his petite size, as well as the almost pebble-like markings on his back
                                         {paw} - traditional suffix for apprentice rank
Clan: WindClan
Age: 6 moons 
Birth Season: Greenleaf
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Scent: Heather & Honeysuckle
Voice: Vincent Martella
Breed: Moggy (Russian Blue X Somali X Domestic Long Hair X Domestic Short Hair)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mentor: Meadowstar


[forest hunting]
[moor hunting]
[patrolling borders]
[belief in starclan]




[ Breed ] Moggy (Russian Blue x Somali x Moggy)

[ Description ]
Pebblepaw was the runt of his litter, and is far tinier than his clanmates even now. He is small, and has a lanky frame, only looking slightly bigger around his chest, neck, and shoulders, where his fur is longer--otherwise, he has short fur. He is a very light gray, almost silver color, with a darker gray that spans from his nose to the base of his tail. His back, and a bit of his cheeks, are also covered in large splotches of dark gray, with a few small speckles of white, giving him the appearance of pebbles. Though his toes themselves are white, his feet are a dark gray that fades into silver as it goes up his legs. He has a small, ginger splotch on one side of his muzzle that is often mistaken for a stain. His nose, pawpads, inner-ear, and most exposed flesh is a light shade of gray, and his eyes are yellow with green around the pupil.

[ Height ] Short
[ Weight] Light
[ Eyes] Yellow & Green
[ Fur Length ] Mostly short with longer tufts around chest and shoulders
[ Scent ] Heather & Honeysuckle
[ Voice ] Vincent Martella


[ p a t i e n t

Pebblepaw has good patience and understanding, never one to interrupt a mentor or warrior before he listens to the full story. Because of this, he is a good listener and a fast learner. He doesn't get frustrated when he can't do something right away, understanding that success comes from hard work. However, he has little patience for those who do not try and apprentices that clown around during lessons.

[ r e l i a b l e ]
He is a cat of his word, determined to keep commitments and follow-through with tasks without giving up. He struggles to prove his worth as a warrior to the clan due to his size, and so he does his best in turn to make sure he's available and able to be useful to the other cats. He'll often tag along with fellow apprentices if they plan on causing trouble, usually as a voice of reason to keep them from going too far.

[ c a u t i o u s ]
Being patient brings about being cautious in Pebblepaw, sometimes a good thing but sometimes a limitation as well. He is not very trusting of outsiders, regardless of what they way or may not have done against or towards him. Though he follows the code, he would much sooner help someone from WindClan than anywhere else. He listens very closely to the words outsiders speak, constantly trying to decide how much he can trust them.

[ c a u s t i c ]
Though usually a respectful cat, Pebblepaw has a sharp tongue at times, and doesn't think before he speaks if he gets upset. He hates being underestimated and won't stand for being talked down to or treated unfairly. If you get on his bad side, it's likely you'll stay there. He has a tendency to hold grudges as well as make it very well-known his is on his good side and who isn't.

[ c u n n i n g ]
Pebblepaw is very smart and pays close attention in lessons, but he can do more than listen to commands and regurgitate information that he's told. He's good at inferring details about situations and makes clever calls about what to do, even under the heat of pressure. He believes that his sharp mind can be utilized as a tool enough that his size won't be of too much impact to his success as a warrior.

[ m e e k
Because he has minimal self-confidence, Pebblepaw is a bit quiet compared to other apprentices and struggles to make friends. He doesn't really mind not having friends, preferring to be alone a great deal of the time anyway. Still, it's hard to show leadership and teamwork capabilities when you're too nervous to speak up, creating negative impacts on his capabilities. 


kithood | 0-6 ☾

pebblepaw was not born a windclan cat--originally, he was the son of a loner. though he remembers little of his time with her, his mother was alone with only her kits, struggling to keep them all fed and safe. eventually, it became clear to her that if she couldn't care for all of them--no matter how hard she worked, she couldn't catch enough food for them, and if she went hungry she couldn't nurse them, either. forced to leave the least likely kit to survive behind, his mother and siblings left--really, before he was even old enough to remember them. a windclan patrol found him by their border, and he was raised by a queen who had recently lost the last of her kits to disease. his past was not kept a secret to him, and he's grateful that he knows the truth--but he's also determined to prove he's as much a windclan as any with generations of windclan blood in their veins as well.
apprenticeship | 6-? ☾
pebblepaw has only just begun his apprenticeship, but he's very excited to get started. he wants to prove he can be valuable to the clan and that he is just as strong as everyone else. he was ecstatic to be chosen to go to the gathering, although it also made him nervous--the gathering itself was tense, and pebblepaw didn't really get along with anyone, the whole thing only making him more uneasy.

[ orientation ] demisexual
[ status] single
[ looking for ] a friend, more than anything right now; the rest will come when he feels close to someone
[ preferences ] understanding, supportive; unique markings and patterns; bright eyes; small-to-average sized cats, soft-spoken and gentle; positive

Current Mate: n/a
Ex-Mates: n/a
Romantic Interest: Fuzzypaw
Past romantic interests: none


» to become a warrior » failure
» to feel a sense of belonging in windclan » exile
» to make meadowstar proud » badgers
» to make a friend he can confide in » darkness
     favorite | hated
[prey] hare fish
[season] greenleaf leaf-bare
[scent] fresh-kill old fish
[time of day] sunrise moonhigh on moonless nights
[weather] cloudy snowy



FREE - WindClan bullet by October-Owl
Meadowstar (Mentor + Leader) // Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Black / Star! // hunter7104289
"I can't believe I get to be mentored by the leader of the clan! That'll show the cats who think I don't belong here. But I have to really work hard to prove myself to him, too."
Softstep (Mother) // Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink / Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue / Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple // (NPC)
"I'm so grateful you took me in. I know I can't replace the kits you lost, but I still hope to be a good son to you, and a good warrior to our clan. Thank you for believing in me."
Hazepaw (Medicine Cat Apprentice) // Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // WulfluvrBlackdrgn
"She wasn't born in WindClan but she seems to have a lot of respect from within the clan regardless! She definitely gives me hope of feeling more like I'll fit in some day. She's interesting to talk to."
Darkpaw (Apprentice) // Bullet; Yellow / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Black // yipyup214
"I don't really know what to make of him... He's very blunt, and very intense. It scares me a little. I'm glad he's on our side."
Fawnpaw (Apprentice) // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // captain-stream
"I want to get to know her more. She seems very spirited and upbeat. I could probably learn a thing or two from her..."
Fuzzypaw (Apprentice) // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Pink / Bullet; Green / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Black // hugdeaIer 
"I don't know him very well yet, but he seems... interesting. I admire his boldness! He doesn't have any trouble facing his fears. He's very different from me; I don't even really understand the way he makes me feel... But I like being around him. He's kind of inspiring."
Mintpaw (Apprentice) // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Green / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Black // PixelatedMas
"Mintpaw is too nice. He's really supportive; I'm not sure why he believes in me so much. But, I like him. I like that he believes in me, too."
Nutmegpaw (Apprentice) // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Green / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; BlackBullet; Black // Silcat
"Nutmegpaw is really nice to me but she has so much energy, and she's so friendly. I don't know how she does it! I'd get worn out if I was as cheerful as her. It's nice to be around, though."
Stonekit (Kit) // Bullet; Red / Bullet; RedBullet; Red / Bullet; White // Steampvnk
"I don't like this kit very much at all! We're the same age but I made apprentice before him and he shows no respect for me! He thinks just because he's big and strong he's better than me, but I'll show him that he's wrong."


FREE - ThunderClan bullet by October-Owl

Emberpaw (Apprentice) // Bullet; Red / Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow / Bullet; Black // TheHellHoudArt
"I thought she was being nice to me and then she messed with me instead... She knew I was nervous... It seems mean, I don't know if I like her very much."
Ratshadow (Warrior) // Bullet; Yellow / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Black // TACOBELLABAE
"I didn't get to speak to him very much at the Gathering, but he seemed kind and helpful. Maybe we'll get to talk again."


FREE - Blank Clan bullet MYO by October-Owl

Mother (name unknown) Bullet; RedBullet; Red / Bullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; Yellow / Bullet; BlueBullet; Blue / Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple / Bullet; White / Invisible (NPC)
"Part of me understands why you did what you did, but I hate that you thought I was weak. Part of me never wants to see you again, but I hope I do, so I can show you how strong I've become, and that you were wrong to leave me behind."
Littermates  (names unknown)  Bullet; RedBullet; Red / Bullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; Yellow / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple / Bullet; Black /  Invisible (NPC)
"I'm jealous that our mother chose to protect you all and not me, but I don't want to hold it against you. I wonder if you remember me at all, or if you think I died long ago. I want to meet you all, but I'm scared--and I don't think I'll ever get the chance, anyway."