Kiyoshi Hibiki



1 year, 6 months ago



Full Name: Kiyoshi Hibiki

Nickname: Kiyo

Gender: Male, He/They

Age: Eighteen

Height: 5’0

Weight: 105 lbs


Birthday: July 24th

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Japanese

Sexuality: Homosexual/Homoromantic

Relationship Status: Single

Status: Alive


Meant for the stage, Kiyoshi is a very talented actor! He specializes in the horror scene, as that’s typically the work he’s hired on for, but he has done other genres- he’s just most known for his work in horror movies and shows. He has a lot of skill in character/as well as regular acting, and is frankly very detail oriented and focuses on words said more than not- however he is very proficient with handling gory scenarios because of his specific field.


Kiyoshi is a very confident person, friendly towards everyone he meets, happy to befriend new people and spend time with them. He’s a bit irritating in the sense that he does in all honesty think extremely highly of himself, in that sort of ‘I’m sure you know who I am & my credentials’ self-assured in his own success kind of way.

He frankly is very strong-willed and typically unaffected by misery around him, always trying to keep a pep in his step with an optimistic smile. However this can come off as frankly inconsiderate as he doesn’t usually think about others’ feelings, even if he tries to, and he frankly can come off as apathetic towards the struggles of others in the best of cases.

This also comes with a streak of stubbornness, as once he’s got something in his head he won’t stop until he’s convinced everyone of his feelings and made his point extremely clear.

Oh, also, he can hold a hell of a grudge if he’s pissed off, and while he does care about friends he can frankly be incredibly catty towards people who upset him.


Kiyoshi was a child actor, very famous for showing up in several campy horror shows for kids, as well as later roles in big budget horror movies as a dead or possessed child who’d terrorize the main cast. He was well known for being easy to work with despite his age, very professional for a child, and very versatile, as he was willing to work in almost any role, no matter how small or massive. It was a little surprising how cooperative and talented he was to most people.

As he grew older, he never quite left the spotlight, only becoming more well known and ending up in bigger flicks (even if there were more minor roles than major ones), but is well known for being a bit of a party animal outside of it, as well as being known for having some more unsavory friends. He’s now quite the famous guy in the horror community for having a knack and love of the spooky and ethereal.

He never really quite loved monster movies though, that’s a particular noticeable fact.