


1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info




A new happy smiley sweet guy for me to become unendingly obsessed with... You are invited to join me in doing so.
Set in a new low-fantasy fairy influenced, steampunky sort of setting I'm making with friends ♥


Golem animated by fae magic taking the form of a life-sized doll :-D
Quiet, endlessly polite, a little bit hapless and lost without direction... Generally kind of pitiable, but quite optimistic and happy to be alive(?). Would like nothing more than to be helpful, doesn't really understand the concept of being wronged or wronging others.
Despite being under-socialized, Dima holds a unique perspective concerning the events that transpired during the erasure of full-blooded fae from human society as he was alive and activated during a time when fairies and people still mixed. Originally created by a descendent of half-blood in the later years of their life, he remained dormant following their death until reactivated by a descendent of significantly lower magical capability, the expense of the action costing the individual greatly and leaving Dima with a horrible feeling of responsibility for the fallout.

Currently he acts as the caretaker, muscle, and cluelessly charming shop-boy for the heavily impaired owner of a toy shop that specializes in magically enhanced nicknacks.
Fairly independent and capable of free will, though wards implemented to prevent the presence of fae also drain him of his magic, leaving him inanimate until his current owner is able to remove him from the offending object and restore their connection with a small amount of the magic initially required to activate him. 

He requires no form of sustenance or rest and can be left in a conscious state of stasis for extended periods of time if needed, though he finds this saddening.

Melancholic Empath Pop Playlist
Or rather, everything that doesn't thematically fit into his 3 hour polyship playlist LOL.

BJD Jargon:

I am dragging out my very first Asian Ball Jointed Doll purchased many years ago to shell him as a 1/4 Luts Model Delf Berry!
This guy is HEAVY and RIDICULOUSLY SWOLE for the 45cm size bracket 😭