Hyssop's Comments

This gave me life

But what kind of life? Penthouse luxury life with pet tigers or cardboard box misery with with only your thoughts for company?

It turned my otherwise average morning in a great one

Maybe Oolong, Magnolia, Astilbe, or Buddleja?

OOOOOO, I really love the name Oolong for him!

:D Glad I could help!

Yes this looks to be a very cute bean

Yes thank you but studies show he is more akin to mean house cat that pushes stuff off shelves in the middle of the night. 

Ahh yes, yes. Anyways, Im sure you'll find a good name ;w; Idk I named my albino character 'albino'....

Thanks! And that's certainly a ... fitting name. 

I'll probably name him after some kind of plant or herbal tea.

XD well Albino comes from a very tribal sort of background so everyone is named simple things like that.

Oohh that would fit.

Oh cool! I don't think I've ever seen them on your TH?

Yup! I jut sent out a poll. 

1 Replies