King Pincer



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Original Date:



Pronouns: He/Him
Ruler of Kingdom of Sand
Neutral in the war

Sandwings pride themselves in their neutrality as they focus on their own kingdom rather than the scuffles outside their borders. While this is good in theory, the war still has its grips within their land. Rainwing spies are present everywhere, even if Sandwings don't seem interested in the war what-so-ever.
Sandwings do have a good anti-spy deterrant though, which is their tail barbs. They use them to sweep the perimeters, and if a rainwing is caught the they are found instantly.
Pincer knows this. He's a very new king, only coming to the throne in the past few years. His mother was queen, and had a peaceful death. She left the throne to him, and he has used this to make the kingdom stronger. Reinforcing the borders, and arming soldiers, Pincer works hard to make sure that they will stay neutral no matter what. Even if he has strong opinions on the war, he refuses to put any talon in the war. There simply isn't a need to. They don't need Sandwing help.
They don't deserve it.