


6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Enhydro Amethyst
Age: During the Gem Wars
Other names: Facet-20F8L Cut-5XG
Mannerisms: Stares a lot at new things, fiddles with the rim of her 'shirt'
Motivations: Likes to explore, find new things, a chance to prove herself
Flaws: Oblivious sometimes, doesn't know personal boundaries, emotional
Talents: Smart with current and old gem technology, great at being sneaky.
Hobbies: Observing, likes music
Personality Type:
Very cautious and likes to observe before approaching, she isn't a violent type. She prefers to sit around and wait for orders, or depending on the circumstances, will make her own plans if Topaz decides so beforehand.

Politics: Gem.
Occupation: Rebel / Spy
Favorite Food: None. (Can't eat)
Favorite Possession: Gem key recording unit
Favorite Weapon: Chakram
Abilities Extended:
- Hydrokinesis: Has the power to manipulate water, they can absorb it for later use.
- Morph: Just like a regular Amethyst, they can Morph into whatever they please. However, Enhydro's ability is different. Since they were made for intel only and less fighting, Enhydro was created to replicate certain weapons and 'fuse' with a gems energy source in order to multiply her own power level. So say she turns into a small dagger for a ruby, she will have the power of a ruby plus her own. But if a Jasper takes hold of her, then look out! The power doesn't stay and returns to both gems upon detaching from one another. This ability was genetically created to replace different gem 'fusions' from happening.

Birthday: 6000 years ago
Back when the Gem War first started, Homeworld had no idea who they could trust. They needed a gem that could get into the rebel forces and make it back out with reasonable intel. And so the Spy Class was created. They were born alongside the 'Cluster Project' when shattered gems became more common. When the new plans for Earth's demise rose, and the Diamonds had decided it would be best to just destroy it with the 'Cluster', the Spy Class was sentenced to be Shattered to keep them from retreating to the rebels. She and the others are previous soil specimens taken from a heavily water-based planet.

Currently escaped from Homeworld in an escape pod for the last several lightyears heading to Earth.

Topaz (Former Leader of the Spy Class, Yellow Diamond Authority)
Ice Quartz (Former Commander of the Spy Class, Blue Diamond Authority)