


1 year, 7 months ago


Sex: Male

Age: 2 years

Pronouns: He/ Him

Breed: Dalmatian x Labrador

Personality: Confident, Clumsy, Inquisitive, Needy, Happy-Go-Lucky, Impulsive

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Taken

Background:  Dipper was born to a Dalmatian mom, Pepper, and a Labrador dad, Bucky. He was the only pup, so of course he was spoiled rotten. They lived on the streets of an abandoned town, hiding away from the others in back alleys and empty buildings. His parents always warned him not to venture off. The abandoned town was full of dangers. There was a pack of dogs in specific that targeted the smaller packs and families. Bucky always told Dipper that the woods were always off limits, which he never understood. In his mind, the woods provided better shelter and more hiding places. Pepper would explain to him that because the woods were so dense and dark, predators could hide easier. Dipper didn't really care, he had never seen a predator from his home, so he didn't believe they existed.

Dipper began to sneak into the woods at night once his parents went to bed. He had always had this attitude that nothing could scare or hurt him. His first night out he heard howling, hooting, and leaves rustling. Having heard the stories from his parents, he decided to turn back and go home. It took a while for him to muster up the courage to leave home again, this time he told himself not to turn back. When he ventured in the second time, he stumbled upon a herd of deer. He was spooked at first until he realized the deer were more afraid of him, as they ran away. That gave him the confidence to keep going. He heard all of the same noises as before, but kept trekking. He stumbled upon a river, it was like nothing he had seen before. It was loud, but beautiful. The water tasted so fresh, like nothing he had ever tasted before. It was getting late, and he had been gone for a while, so he decided to return home. 

He returned to the river nightly, he would drink from it, swim in it, catch the fish swimming in it, he would have a blast. It was the most fun he had had in his life. One night, he was splashing around in the shallower area of the river when he spotted something moving out of the corner of his eye. It was a quick white blur. He had never seen it before, never heard it before, or smelled it. It smelled like him, a dog, but that was strange to him because the woods were forbidden. He decided to go home, and he didn't plan to return to the woods.

Dipper and his parents went hunting along the tree line every day. They would hunt squirrels, rabbits, mice, etc. Hunting on this particular day seemed off. There wasn't an animal in sight. It was completely quiet and still. That was until the pack that had been hunting his family ambushed them. Dipper's parents stepped in front of him, ready to sacrifice themselves to save his life. They told him to run, run as far as he could and they would find him. Dipper ran into the woods, knowing that they could never find him there. He made sure to run in a random pattern to mask his scent. He made it to the river and he stopped. He debated continuing, but he knew his parents wouldn't be able to find him if he crossed it.  While standing there, he spotted the prettiest dog he has ever seen. She was a mixed breed of some sort. She had long flowing hair with bright blue eyes and one brown spot right around her left eye. He realized this must have been the white, dog smelling blur, he had seen so long ago. She ran into woods on the other side of the river and Dipper followed. She led him right to her some, a deep underground burrow. 

He hid there with her, away from the pack that was chasing him. While down there he learned that her name was Rayne, and that she also used to be part of the pack. The found her as a puppy, they had killed her parents and took her in, thinking they could turn her into a fighter like them. One day she decided to leave and tried to hide in town, but realized it wasn't safe so she left. That's the day Dipper spotted her. Rayne would leave the burrow and bring back food. Once the pack stopped their hunting, it was safe for Dipper to leave again. He never ventured far, but there was one day he returned to the town looking for his parents. He could only smell a faint scent. He went back to the burrow, thinking the worst.

The more time he spent with Rayne, the more he started to fall for her. They would do everything together. The woods become his home, and she became is one true love. Sometimes they would venture back to town and look for Dipper's parents. They eventually began to give up on the town, his parents were never there. The last day they looked there, Dipper smelled a familiar smell coming from the woods. It was his mom. They ran towards the scent, amazed that he recognized it after so long. Not far from home, he found his mother. She was in a cave, it wasn't very deep, and it was cold. She was asleep when they approached. Dipper gently woke his mother, frightened and surprised she woke up. He had never seen his mom so happy. The three of them returned to the burrow. Dipper introduced his mom to Rayne, he couldn't stop talking to her and telling her about how amazing Rayne was and how he couldn't wait to have a family of his own. Little did they know Rayne was actually expecting.

 Not long after, they had a little of three, two boys and one girl. The little girl was named River, after where they first met. One boy was named Buck, after Dipper's father. The last boy was named Beau, after Rayne's father. They never returned to the town, and made the forest their home. As time went on, more and more dogs migrated to the forest, making this new space their home, safe away from the enemy pack.