dmitri (pricus)



1 year, 10 months ago


"*bite* *bite*"

Basic info


Purple (Violent Violet #290860)

AGE Unknown age (assumed to be somewhere in his 20's)



65624421_p6yEYKBzw8piJqI.png Caprio, Sign of the Opaque

ABILITIES Chucklevoodoos

Before a traumatic incident that mentally altered Pricus, his chucklevoodoos were stronger than most chucklevoodoo users to a fearsome degree. The aftermath of the previously mentioned incident impaired Pricus in multiple ways such as, suffering from memory loss, PTSD, impaired speech, epileptic seizures, radical outburts, and intense bouts of paranoia. His chucklevoodoos have since been substantially weakened and have been practically wiped out compared to their proper state, but through the graceful help of Mr. Iscara, his abilities will hopefully be restored back to the strength they used to be. Though, Pricus often opposes and lashes out in response to his insistences.

OCCUPATIONS Assistant of the church

Due to Mr. Iscara's instructions, he's advised to avoid confrontation with the others, he's kind of his not-so-secret "secret". Pricus helps out when he can in small ways— or rather when he's allowed to.


HIVE Pricus lives in the church's compound and is catered to by Tratos.
LUSUS Unknown lusus

His memory of his own origins and of his lusus have unfortunately been forgotten by himself after the incident, but considering his behaviors and traits, it is assumed that his lusus was most likely pirhana or gator adjacent.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES Tratos Iscara, painting and drawing, walking the halls of the church, making beaded bracelets, napping, eating, music
QUIRK Due to his head trauma, he has some complications with his speech and finding the right words. He'll sometimes blurt phrases that refrence or correlate to what exactly it is he's trying to say before he or someone else figures out what it is he's saying. (ex: "rubix cube. twister. corn maze. big storm coming." Which would be him trying to explain that he's confused about something and its frustrating him.)

??? of Heart




  Good/neutral traits

  • easily excitable, emotions are pretty unstable in general
  • can be rather clingy at times
  • very loyal and obedient

  Bad traits

  • gets easily overwhelemed, prone to lash out
  • overly possessive over certain people and objects
  • impatient


  • His first name came from Pricus himself, who in Greek mythology is a sea-goat who is also a ruler of time. He was created by Cronos, the God of time. I also call him Prick. He has no last name.
  • He has poor posture.
  • Pricus adores Tratos. He feels he is practically indebted to him. His admiration is often confused for romantic gestures, but he doesn't really understand or concern himself with the specifics and signifigance of quadrants. His interest in Tratos is mostly pure adoration that can easily be misconceived as some sort of quadrant based pursuit.
  • Before his chucklevoodoos rotted his brain, Pricus was a very powerful individual, albeit lazy. His chucklevoodoos were very strong, so strong that the horrors over time impenetrated his brain and did irreparable damages to his psyche.
  • He can hear others heartbeats.
  • His most favorite moments he has with Tratos is when he lets him lay his head in his lap and speaks to him in whispers and pats his head. He speaks to him about various things like how his day went, his workload, the sermons he has to recite, and of course his personal favorite, hearing Tratos talk about and praise him.
  • His tail thumps on the ground when he walks or becomes excited, similarly to an easily excitable dog.
  • When he feels threatened or is in an irritable state, his fins flare up similarly to frilled lizards.
  • He occasionally suffers from cognitive misfires and has shown symptoms of potentially having Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
  • His eyes have a permanent purpleish haze thanks to the aftermath of the chucklevoodoos altering his brain chemistry.
  • Somtimes, when they are alone, Tratos feeds him his meals. For certain meals, Pricus' pertruding fangs get in his way and make eating very messy or challenging for him to do on his own.
  • He frequently experiences nose bleeds, the origins of them are unknown but are probably another aftermath of his chucklevoodoos altering his mind. His nosebleeds are often an indicator that he's entered a state of hypomania or is about to endure some sort of fit.
  • Before coming to the church and being taken under their care, he moved rather clunkily and visibly struggled with the coordination of his limbs. Very discombobulated.
  • After becoming better at formulating clearer sentences, he occasionally spoke certain words or enunciated specific sounds with an accent and speech patterns similarly to Tratos'. Likely due to Tratos mainly being the one to help him with better developing his speech. It creeps others out because sometimes he really does sound like a second Tratos.
  • He has mild seperation anxiety and often gets lonely at the church since not many people make the effort to willingly talk to him. Besides Tratos.
  • He's far more self aware than others believe and are aware of.
  • He struggles to remember other names that aren't his own or Tratos', so a lot of the church members have nicknames he uses for them that vaguely sound close enough to their real names. As he's made progress in his recovery, he's gotten better with names.
  • His nails are rather long and sharp. Despite Tratos' bribery and attempted force of filing them down for his own and others safety, Pricus puts up a fight. Best to just leave them as they are.
  • The scars on his face are self-inflicted even though he doesn't recall how exactly they got there. He scratches at them some times.
  • He is oddly flexible and freakishly strong for being so scrawny.
  • The "paints" he uses is blood from various trolls across the hemospectrum. He doesn't like it when he runs out of paint.
  • He laughs very loudly.
  • He's highly reactive and has very good hearing.
  • Sometimes, for unknown reasons, he speaks in a voice that is clearly not his own. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it is very offputting.
  • He likes to nap in the pews when sermons are through and no one is around.
  • Pricus' jealousy and direct dislike for Phemos is only based around what Tratos has told him about him and their relations, which are blatantly biased tellings of their history together. He thinks he's a no good traitor and doesn't understand how he could abandon someone like that after going through so much together, especially when they did nothing but help. He's jealous of him and doesn't like how close he once was to Tratos and wishes he would just go away already. He doesn't understand why Tratos won't let him hurt him for him.
  • He's seen the beads in Tratos' fireplace. He thinks they're quite pretty. Tratos has scolded him for touching them, so he just looks at them sometimes instead.
  • He growls like an alligator.
  • When Tratos has bad episodes, Pricus either hides somewhere in a corner of the room or inside a storage closet away from him.
  • His favorite physical feature of Tratos are his gold teeth and his small fins. He likes to lightly touch them because Tratos' are so much smaller than his own.
  • He has a few undisclosed locations in the church that he deems his "safe spaces". Most are just less crowded storage closets, the pews, and some spots outside.
  • His tail is very strong, it sways when he walks and on occasion has knocked over multiple of Tratos' belongings. He's even hit Tratos in the legs with his tail due to his excitement.
  • Pricus curls up with his tail when he sleeps.
  • If his fangs grow long enough, they have the potential to puncture his skull and kill him. As was the case with his ancestor.
  • He loves when Tratos shares his sweets with him. He likes receiving treats in general.
  • Sometimes he bites the air as a response, a piranha trait of his. Once means no, twice means yes.
  • He doesn't really have a strong understanding of others personal space, but he's learning.
  • His pupils shake and move rapidly when he's erratic.
  • Pricus doesn't seem to remember much of the life he once lived before entering the church. Maybe thats for the better.
  • When formulating sentences, he often rephrases quotes, brands, foods, names of characters, or movie refrences. You have to decipher his words sometimes. Since recovering he's gotten better at formulating fuller sentences but he still falls back into his old habits on occasion. An example would be him saying something along the lines of, "Swiss cheese, black hole, all gone." Would be him trying to reiterate that he feels empty in some way.
  • He's left jagged claw marks on Tratos' door trying to find out where he was, which he's gotten in trouble for numerous times.
  • Pricus has a lot of scars along his body. Some being self inflicted and other's origins unknown. A lot of the larger ones were from his recklessness or inflicted from others.
  • Pricus hates being wet. Makes him cold.
  • His favorite food are quesadillas. He'll keep eating however many if you let him.
  • Pricus used to be very malnourished to the point where his ribs and the ridges in his spine were visible. He was found that way when he wandered to the church. He's still considerably thin for whats assumed to be normal for someone his size, but undeniably much more healthier looking since his recovery.
  • Pricus hates bright lights. They irritate him greatly.
  • He bites at his nails often. Despite doing it so often, they're surprisingly not jagged at all. He doesn't bite them hard unless he's angry but his nails are actually rather dense so his teeth never actually manage to penetrate or chip them.
  • He often walks around with his hand to his chest. He does so to feel his heartbeat. He grabs Tratos' hand and invites him to do the same sometimes when they're in private.
  • He's an aggressive sneezer.
  • It's believed that Pricus had to come from somewhere, or rather escaped from somewhere, as he has a long string of numbers tattooed on his skin along the left side of his chest underneath where his ribs are. Pricus insists he has no idea what the numbers mean or who might've put them there. He becomes rather aggitated and visibly skittish when Tratos mentions them.
  • He has a habit of touching and taping on glass. He has to be reminded not to as to not leave his prints everywhere.
  • Pricus' teeth are rather odd. The fangs that jut upward from his lips actually come from his top row of teeth, not the bottom, which is why he doesn't have an underbite. The way that they grow makes them curve outward just enough to avoid puncturing his upper lip when he talks or eats but I often draw them rather sharp and pointy.
  • His eyes actually glow in the dark some. It's pretty creepy.
  • Pricus has a few gold stars that Latona gives out to the children when he's exhibited good behavior for long periods without causing scenes sometimes, when she does choose to acknowledge him. He keeps them on the wall by his bed.
  • Pricus finds Latona scary, he can't quite manage to look her in the eyes. He's quite fond of her despite Tratos' warnings to keep away from her. If it weren't for Tratos and his falsehoods, he wouldn't be as fearful of her as he is. That goes for a few others as well.
  • He likes a lot of snack foods. He's not a very big meal based eater.
  • He has his own living quarters but he likes and prefers to sleep in Tratos' room and study the most, it's where he's most comfortable. He won't dare to go in there if he isn't though. He knows better.
  • Pricus hums to himself when he's walking. He hums the same tunes Tratos does when he's on his walks. He sounds very similar to him when he does. Almost like an echo.



Tratos Iscara (???)


Phemos Kesahr (?)