Salem Swindell



1 year, 6 months ago




Born and raised in the Orre region!! (aka the wild wild west of pokemon. yes theyre a cowboy at heart.) They left Orre when they were like 19-20 to go to college/lawschool in sinnoh. 

One thing has been very constant in salems life and that is their need to flirt with everyone CONSTANTLY. they are a huge attention whore, and also probably one of the biggest extroverts out of all my ocs lmao. Shes the defense attorney for my elite 4 sona as well as my friends’ sonas (aka ember, june, kat & pawn). ALSO they have a bunch of unowns that he carries in a suitcase. yes he brings them to court. yes they call the prosecutor names via spelling things out. 

ok onto the more insane shit. uhhh so salem can dimension hop. lol. hoopa saw this gay ass lawyer and went ‘hmm….yeah i wanna make this guy interdimensional’ so it did! 

gonna vaguely talk about the salem jerome lore because god i hate them both. Jerome is salems rival (hes a prosecutor because i love gay lawyers). Hes so funny to me because he literally hates his job. like he wanted to be a detective but midway through lawschool hes like “oh i NEED to kick this guys ass in court cases” so he fucking SWITCHED MAJORS OUT OF HATRED. basically anti narumitsu. oh and heres the best part. theyre rivals with benefits (mic drop)