Chief Vincent (2003)



1 year, 5 months ago


The police chief of NYC. Hasn't slept longer than a few hours at once in years. Pretty short. Smokes. A very stern woman that cannot be intimidated, and struggles to keep her old, brittle desire to do good in the face of the pessimistic realism of the job. So used to constant stress that she's developed a bone-deep exhaustion.

Rebecca Vincent is constantly trying to balance keeping the numerous gangs and vigilantes at bay, while also trying to weed out staff that's being paid off, and occasionally taking a bribe, herself. Thinks that EPF's continued presence is unnecessary and makes as many administrative obstacles and paperwork for Bishop as possible; they mutually dislike one another. The Foot Clan is a major headache, bringing in a huge boost to the city's economy, so the politicians she works with want her to let them do what they like. Casey Jones and his vigilantism is on her radar, and she intends to confront him about it.