


6 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
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They possess very long, powerful prehensile tails in order to climb trees efficiently.
They sleep upside down, suspended by their tails.
They love to eat fruit from trees.
They are vegitarians.
They are good swimmers.
They have long, strong claws which they use to aid in their climbing.

Their necks have a warm, thick ruff which shields their delicate necks from cold and damage.
Their hearts are in their necks.
Their fur is waterproof, and slick like that of an otter.
Their horns are for mating purposes and are brittle and hollow, prone to breaking and splitting.

They have very sensitive ears, capable of hearing a broad range of pitches.
Their ears wiggle constantly.
They don't have a particularly good sense of smell or sight.
Despite being vegetarians, their teeth are long and sharp, sometimes growing into visible fangs.

They live relatively paranoid lives since they are prey animals, but they are very affectionate within family groups.
Their prides are ruled by the oldest or strongest females, and solitary males remain prideless bachelors until they find a mate.
They feed their young with milk from a set of six nipples, and also regurgitate partly digested food into the young's mouths.

They tend to be very artistic and creative, though some individuals tend toward STEM fields as long as they have calculators.
They keep their fur cleaned with their tongues and groom each other regularly as a bonding activity.