
1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Basic Info

4’5” tall, in his teens, a skittish personality


Notes on Kai the Red Panda:

When I first found Kai, it was during a resupply at a small town. He was among the first few that I had taken in. I first saw Kai roaming the streets, scavenging anything he could use; he was skittish during our first interaction. Not that I’d blame him, especially when someone in my attire approaches. After the first interaction, I asked the locals about him, and all said the same thing. He just appeared wandering the streets, looking for anything edible or usable. Upon hearing his story, I extended my stay in the town a bit longer; I was unsure if it was out of pity or- No, I knew why. After countless days and nights of no sleep, trying to calm him and offer him food and clothes, I finally gained his trust. After a few more days, I offered him a place to stay at my home. He thought about it for a few days before agreeing. I left him to collect what few things he had while I finished up a few loose ends on my part, finally allowing me and Kai to set off.