Green Dog (TBN)



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Currently called GD (leaning on Fiver or Finley)




Dog - Border Collie mix


This description is copied and pasted from Art Fight! I have yet to update and clean it up ^^ 11/22/2022


(BBCode is seriously acting up sorry aa)

To be named (Fiver/Finley aka Finn?) / Male / Border Collie mix


GD is an optimistic, shy, little dog with a big heart for others.

Although he is shy, he isn't necessarily afraid of interacting with other people. Once he's gotten to know someone well enough he can be quite the talker actually. However, he has his moments where he's pretty quiet and reserved.

GD is highly empathetic, to the point where he feels as if the whole world's pain weighs on his shoulders. Sometimes the emotions get too overwhelming for him and he hides out for a while to cope.
(GD isn't as perceptive as he is empathetic though. Meaning, that just because he empathizes with others easily, doesn't mean he's a mind reader.)

He doesn't have a lot of friends currently. He's usually very quiet about his concerns for others out of fear of creeping them out. So most of the time he's quiet when having these thoughts and for that reason, he doesn't make connections easily. That, or he blurts and does scare them away. However, the few connections he has made are pretty special.

He's very passionate about making a difference in others' lives and doing the right thing. He doesn't hesitate to leap into action when someone is in need. Despite lacking in physical strength, he has smart wit.

 Fun Facts:

  • GD is very fond of little kids, and the more quiet ones seem to be fond of him too.
  • He loves nature. Rain, and the look of the plants afterward especially.
  • He loovves hugs. (From people he's familiar with mind you)
  • Soft, fluffy blankets are a fav.
  • He likes to geek out over his favorite shows and movies.
  • He normally loves swimming, but there may be a little bit of trauma behind that now.

Drawing Details (also copied and pasted)

This character can be drawn with a little blood.

Soft/Messy fur. Short/half tail. (<-- Didn't really do a good job showing this in the ref sorry!)

The dark green fades into the light green (from the "black") with a gradient. Feel free to use the airbrush tool, however.

Collar is optional but preferred. Feel free to mess around with neck accessories for him!

He's fairly small for a "border collie".