


1 year, 6 months ago


Symphonic is an evil Magical Girl and Queen Of Darkness themed around classical music and ballet. Before her embrace of the dark side, her magic was able to to inspire and strengthen the people she used it on.

She wields two weapons; a violin where the bow functions as an actual bow, and a conductor's baton turned deadly-sharp dagger. 

The main villian of the setting. 


Once upon a time, there was a young girl, and her best friends were other young girls, and gifted with the power of music- they saved the world. 

They won their happily ever after, and sealed the great evil that threatened the world beneath the earth, and stepped into the light of the changed world. 

...It is a truth rarely acknowledged that not all happy endings are equally happy for all involved.

20 years pass- and Symphonic (she refuses to answer to any other name) makes a name for herself in conducting and ballet, touring the world and stealing whatever moments of adventure and romance she can.

Group drifted apart, painfully bored from a lack of adventures, vulnerable in a way she's never been before, and unable to forge a life (due to mundane circumstances) with the woman she loves- Symphonic makes a choice. 

Se and her friends could no longer be the heroes of this world- so be it. But they could still be the villians.

She unseals the Great Evil that once threatened the world, assuming the mantle of its leader, and warping her former friends, the rest of the very heroes that originally sealed the Evil away- barring Daybreaker- into her lieutenants of evil with her new dark and terrible magics.

Now the Queen of Darkness, Symphonic reigns with two goals- One, use her magic to bring about an eternal night that warps people into the darkest roles they could play, monstrous (literally) versions of themselves. Two, persuade Daybreaker to join her evil empire and rule the night together at her side.