
Blue Birthday
(Actual name: Ceru Bluebelyn)
BB. Blue
Unknown, sadly...
115 lbs
Dream Eater
Professional Birthday Party Crasher
Party Clown
Birthday Guardian
BB is such a joy to be around! A playful young man with quite the imagination. Eating dreams exposes you to odd things that stick with you forever.

He's not mature by any means, BB is always being a little goofball. Chaotic, too. Crashing birthday parties is his favorite pastime. You know, getting to see people sing happy birthday, eating cake, enjoy the presence of loved ones... Something BB doesn't have. Despite being a wayward soul, BB longs for a place to belong. Crafting his own backstory is part of his process in creating a concrete identity for himself.

BB lacks self-awareness socially, making him really annoying sometimes. AKA, the type to wear inappropriate clothes to a serious event or talking too loudly. Can you blame him though?

He also loves attention. Any kind, negative or positive. As long as eyes are on him, he's happy.

BB has no idea of his past. One day be didn't exist and the next, he did. Since he's existed, he's attempted to discover his past. This was a foolish feat since there was nothing to go off of. Instead, why not fabricate the whole thing? That's where the dream eating came in.

BB is a Dream Eater, meaning he can take the essences of dreams and eat them. Stealing dreams is a pretty rude thing to do, but not detrimental to one's health. BB only takes a small amount to not harm anyone.

Eating dreams allows BB to experience memories of other people. So, he seeks people that seem fascinating to him and eats their dreams to retain some of those memories. His goal is to write out his new, convoluted backstory...It's a frankensteined mess of chaotic proportions and far too long to write here. There's action, gore, comedy, drama, romance, and so much more! 

What are the true origins of the mysterious Dream Eater, Blue Birthday? Is he just a being that exists just because or does he have an actual past yet to be revealed? 
  • His name is partially inspired by Beyond Birthday's name b/c I just find it charming for some reason
  • He's also called this because: BB likes the color blue AND he loves crashing birthday parties because he loves birthdays. So: Blue Birthday
  • Dreams taste like cotton candy to him
  • He was a jester before he lost his memories
  • His tongue is blue
  • Sometimes, people just shrug off that BB crashed their party and let him entertain them
    • To prevent redundancy, when addressed as a Birthday Guardian, he's just called a Guardian