Cassia (Footnotes)



Obsidian Name: Xipe Totec

Birds Based Off Of: Raven, x, x, x (Phoenix) 

Weapon: x


- The Four Obsidian Birds;

At the very beginning of time and space itself, the stardust of the void pooled together and in its chaotic nature created the 'Obsidian Mirror'. This mirror, holding the power to create life, proceeded to create two beings which could wield its power; they called themselves simply 'God' and 'Satan'. God was to be the herald of life, bringing birth to the land, while Satan was to be the herald of death, taking the souls of the living. The mirror also proceeded to create hundreds upon thousands of realms and universes all scattered across the endless void. However, God and Satan never got along, God believing that mortals should never know the sad pain of death while Satan believed that mortals in the monsterous manner should not exist. Because of this, the two constantly fought over the mirror and in their unholy greed, created four godly warriors to fight alongside them; God created the Obsidian Phoenix and the Obsidian Bluebird, while Satan created the Obsidian Owl and the Obsidian Grosbeak. These four warriors, dubbed the 'Four Obsidian Birds, fought beside their respectful masters up until their demise.
Having watched their masters perish before them, the four birds decided to call a truce; neither of them wanted to end up as their masters did, and thus, the four became the new whelders of the Obsidian Mirror. Instead of just controlling both life and death, the four birds decided to control time itself, by giving each bird the power over a season. The Obsidian Phoenix was given control over Spring; the rebirth of the realms, to symbolize her incredible resurrection powers. The Obsidian Bluebird was given control over Summer; the growth of the realms, to symbolize his [reason here]. The Obsidian Owl was given control over Autumn; the harvest of the realms, to symbolize her [reason here]. Lastly, the Obsidian Grosbeak was given control over Winter; the slumber of the realms, to symbolize his representation of the night, which winter was known to elongate the nights. With the balance of time under control and the four birds under agreement, the realms were safe and all lived peacefully.

...For a while...

The Obsidian Grosbeak eventually grew jealous of the other three birds, as the mortals deemed him to be a wicked and evil god, for his winters only brought death and famine.

[ So they did. And everything was hunky dory. For a while. Until THE OBSIDIAN GROSBEAK DECIDED TO HAVE THIS BRILLIANT IDEA OF CRACKING THE MIRROR SO THEY EACH COULD HAVE THEIR OWN PIECE INSTEAD OF JUST SHARING IT. GOD DAMNIT GROSBEAK- DON'T YOU KNOW THAT SHARING IS CARING?!? >:U So now because the mirror was cracked, 'black ooze' (referred to as 'Myst') began to leak out from the cracks and covered the worlds in evil, tainting them. This is believed to be the birthplace of all things evil and corrupt. The Myst got all over Grosbeak and because of that Grosbeak went fucking nuts and started wreaking havoc all over the realms, killing everything in sight. This lead to a thousand year war between the four birds. Most of the realms plummeted into utter chaos and were killed off because of the Myst and their fighting, leaving behind only the last nine remaining realms we know of today; Heaven, Hell, Midgard, Temmarial, Evarhas, Mythrica, Vyräheim, Iresos, and Whynvald. In Grosbeak's last attempt to gain power, they actually shattered the mirror and stole a piece of it. This caused the mirror to just- COMBUST with power and not only scatter the four birds across the realms, but also removed most of their powers and caused them to go through a rebirth. The Phoenix ended up being reborn in Heaven, The Owl in Evarhas, the Bluebird in Midgard, and Grosbeak in who the fuck knows where cause I haven't gotten that far yet cause YAY FOR BEING A LAZY FUCKLORD. Grosbeak still had the piece of the mirror which meant the mirror would still be incomplete and fucking leak Myst everywhere until they fixed it but of course they won't cause they're tainted asf and are fucking NUTS. To this day they're still going around attempting to destroy realms. That's why disastrous things keep happening to the realms; like the plague on Evarhas and the Werewolf crisis on Midgard. ]

- Archangel Rebirth;

Eventually, the Obsidian Phoenix was dubbed Cassiopeia (later called 'Cassia' for short) and had been reborn as an Angel from two Archangels; Josephine and Giovanni. However, given Heaven's corrupt laws and government, she was taken away at a young age due to being their firstborn child and was trained to fight as one of Heaven's soldier. Because of this, Cassia never really got the chance to know her parents very well. Near immediately she was brainwashed by the head Archangels and became an emotionless, obedient drone, doing whatever they demanded of her. When they found out about her strange 'Phoenix-like powers' as they called them, they practically used her for everything; being unable to die due to her reincarnation ability and her manipulation over fire, she stood as an indestructible force. If you put her down, a week later she'd come back in a blazing glory and would hunt your ass down.

During her time as a mid-tier angel, she met another mid-tier angel who was a soldier as well; apparently she was a Valkyrie; an all female sub-breed of angel specifically made for battle. Her name was 'Coretta'. The two got along really well and seemed to work flawlessly together- so much that the Archangels often pitted them together for missions as they always got shit done quickly, quietly, and as neatly as possible. Eventually the two ended up developing feelings toward one another and they had a fling going on for a while, but they kept it quiet because being in a homosexual relationship was deemed 'disgusting' by heaven's standards and was against the rules. During the time of her secret relationship with Coretta, Cassia quickly rose in rank over the years and eventually became the new Archangel of Justice due to the old one having been... 'removed from power', for a lack of better words. This is where she got her title of 'The Mistress of Justice'. She was highly regarded by the other Archangels and all around respected throughout Heaven... And apparently feared as well, as the other Archangels kept her brainwashed, fearing that if she were to learn of their true intentions in her own right state of mind, that she'd turn against them. In all reality, they were basically just using her as a mass powerhouse to do their bidding.

Coretta... Wasn't very fond of how the other Archangels constantly used her powers and strength for their own bidding, especially since the two of them had accidentally conceived a childCoretta needed Cassia to be there for the child, and with her under the other Archangels' control, she never was. Because of this, Coretta eventually ended up becoming very obsessive and violently protective over Cassia, whenever the other Archangels demanded something of her. Of course, because of her scrambled brain she did what they told her. However, the Archangels did not approve of a mid-tier angel like Coretta questioning their authority and acting so protective over her- even if she was a Valkyrie. They found this suspicious and had a spy follow and keep tabs on her. This was how they found out about Cassia's secret relationship with her and that they had conceived a child. Of course, they immediately took action; Giovanni ordered Cassia kill Coretta with her own hands.

Josephine was horrified by her husband's commands and she unfortunately had to watch her own daughter murder her beloved. Disgusted with her husband and fearful for the small angel child's life, she quickly abandoned both her marriage and her position as an Archangel and stole her away, going into hiding. With Coretta put six feet under and the small angel child missing, the Archangels forced Cassia back into her daily routine. Even worse, Cassia thought nothing of Coretta's death or of her missing child, due to the fact that the Archangels made her not feel anything about what had happened. 

[ Shit happens that causes her first reincarnation in the middle ages; I might actually make this area the fall of valkyries here. Probably happens during an attack on Hell maybe I dunno- Hell needs a bigger part in my story F U C K. ]

- First Reincarnation;

[ First reincarnation happens here - this is where she gets her heavy irish/scottish accent and learns to speak gaelic fluently cause she gets reborn in IRELAND in a Irish/Scottish family. ]

[ MORE ANGEL SHIT YAAAY. Probably going to have shit with Mythrica and the Mythics happen here - Maybe she led the first extermination???????? ]

- Second Reincarnation;

[ Second reincarnation happens somewhere along here too. 

[ Then more angel shit cause angel reasons. No clue what happens here. Maybe something happens with Evarhas; the realm of those bird people I have??? I need to give them a name S H I T. ]

Eventually a simple 'drone angel' as he was referred to, by the name of 'Denzell' was assigned to her as her personal assistant and to 'keep an eye on her', given her past stunts with getting 'involved in things she shouldn't have'. This was a lucky job for him, since he had developed feelings for the Archangel in passing, even though the Archangels and lesser angels technically weren't supposed to mingle outside of work reasons. Still, the two seemed to get along fairly well and eventually, Denzell worked up the courage to ask her out. This was technically against the rules as well, but the Archangels turned a blind eye because at least this was 'better than her being in a homosexual relationship'.

However, Cassia couldn't stop herself and delved right back into snooping around in the other Archangels' affairs where she shouldn't have been. Since she was dating him, she felt she could trust him with what she had found out about the Archangels and all the plans they had in store for the Mythics and the Humes on Midgard, all the research behind their tech, and their future plans for dealing with the demons and with Hell itself; needless to say, their plans were not pretty and if anything they were very concerning.
Of course, being the obedient dog that he was, Denzell didn't believe a word she said. He kept trying to reassure her that what she saw, she misunderstood. Eventually the two just told each other to drop it since neither of them were going to believe the other.

Cassia began going behind his back from then on, rounding up other angels who were suspicious of the Archangels' activities and started planning for a revolt. Unfortunately, Denzell found out about the group of rebels the day of their attack and warned the Archangels about it. Needless to say, it was a bloodshed when the attack happened; everyone but Cassia died. The Archangels took it upon themselves to test Denzell here; seeing as how he had been involved with her, they needed to test his loyalty. They gave him some old angel tech with some new, really souped up enhancements and told him to kill her. It was heartbreaking and the battle between the two raged on for what felt like forever, but eventually he was able to manipulate their relationship with each other and catch her off guard, skewering her alive on his shock sticks. The new tech installed into the shock sticks is what ultimately destroyed Cassia's physical form and sent her down to Iresos- the realm of water- for her punishment. She ended up being turned into an obsidian statue at the bottom of the sea, where she would remain sentient from inside the statue for several years, before finally being freed. This was to serve as her punishment for her crimes against heaven and the Archangels. They still needed her around though, given her powers and strength so they were hoping that this would teach her a lesson. It didn't. 

[ Actually make an Iresos plot here since she gets sent there instead of Midgard and it's Kailani who sets Cassia free from her statue prison. ]

When it was time for her to be freed and the seal on her statue form was broken, Cassia flew out of the sea in a fiery rage, columns of fire and lava spewing from the ocean's surface. The residents of Iresos believed her freedom was what created the 'Ring of Fire'. This is where she gain her mortal given title of 'The Lady of the Ring'. In her rage she flew back to Heaven and raged a full on, solo assault on the rest of the Archangels. Even with her incredible strength and power, she was killed and her spiritual form was shot back down to Midgard for her third and final reincarnation. The Archangels were getting fed up with her bullshit at this point.

- Third and Final Reincarnation;

[ Write shit about her third reincarnation here; figure out if this comes before or during the werewolf plot on Midgard hhhhhhhhh. Probably before or right at the beginning of it. Still not sure though. ]

Cassia's third and final death as a Mortal came due to the fact that she hung herself in her apartment.

[ WHY did she commit suicide? I don't fucking know, you tell me. ]

- The Fall of Sector V: 'Valhalla';

In their anger at her for committing suicide as a mortal, the rest of the Archangels stripped her of her title, wiped her memory, and recreated her as a demon instead of an angel unlike the two other times before. Mortals who killed themselves were to be damned to Hell as they were considered 'impure'. However, instead of casting her down to Hell, they instead slapped a shock collar around her neck and imprisoned her within Sector V, 'Valhalla'. They still needed her powers and strength, and if she wasn't going to obey them as an angel with some twisted form of '''freedom''', they were going to rework the obedience into her through science. This sector was known for creating weapons, angel tech, and experimenting with Valkyrie genes and biochemical substances that were supposed to recreate the Valkyries. They also sometimes delved into other genetic experiments, such as enhancing strength and mutating the body to withstand harsh conditions, ect. Cassia was selected for these genetic experiments and thus, had extreme amounts of Myst injected into her bodyAt first the amounts were minimal and tolerable, but the more they found their tests were successful, the more and more Myst they continued to inject into her, further mutating her. This is why she has such weird ears, off-colored skin, and such a large, thick tail. 

Eventually, an extremely 'creepy doctor angel' (by the name of Lance) took over the operation and fell '''in love''' with Cassia because of her damn good looks. He saw how well the strength increasing tests had been going, despite the obedience trials and brain rewriting tests failing miserably, and decided to just fucking jam her full of Myst shit to see how much they could overclock her body. He figured if he could turn the most beautiful demon into a literal brick wall in terms of strength, the Archangels would use he as an infiltration unit against Hell and that he'd get promoted for such accomplishments. He thought he'd be able to 'subdue' her with his charms and have her fall for him, leading him to be in full control of her, but no. That wouldn't happen. Cassia wasn't about to let herself be a mindless slave again. When he tried to overclock her body with extremely dangerous amounts of Myst, the test of course failed as her body couldn't contain not control that much Myst and instead, she turned into a completely savage, demonic monster, went fucking nuts, and turned on everyone. This resulted in her tuning into what many- including herself- call her 'Berserker Form'. Her Berserker Form only comes out when she inhales Myst or has Myst directly inserted into her bloodstream. Unfortunately, due to past events caused by the angels, there are massive pockets of Myst all over the realms and it can't be contained or just simply gotten rid of. Inhaling the Myst does take a while for her body to react to it and to make her unstable and go into her Berserker Form, but having it directly inserted into her bloodstream causes her to transform quickly; it's extremely painful and she's been known to have mini seizures because of them when transforming out, or even have her body just completely go into a short state of comatose.

Berserker form caused her to essentially devour almost all the angels in Sector V and after ramming her horns into the 'reactor core', the inside of the sector exploded and the rest of it collapsed in on itself and were forever rendered unsalvageable due to the massive amounts of Myst that resided in the ruins. This event would later be called 'The Fall of Valhalla' and is what gave Cassia her titles of 'The Butcher of Valhalla' and 'Angel Eater'.
Surprisingly, there were still some survivors left inside the ruins, including Cassia after she had transformed back out and had come to. It was here in the ruins she found a test tank suspended in the air by wires, with a small angel child inside. After reading some of the notes stored on a nearby, still semi-functional terminal, she learned that the scientists here were trying to use her genes specifically to try and recreate physical bodies to later put the spiritual bodies of the recreated Valkyries in. Apparently, this small child's genes were the key to being able to physically hold the spiritual bodies of the Valkyries, without them being rejected- like how they were being with the bodies of the Humes that they had captured. The child had Valkyrie blood in her veins from her ancestors and they planned to break her down into her basic genetic material and use it to mass produce scientifically engineered 'blank hosts' for the Valkyries spiritual bodies to reside in before 'mashing' them together with the Humes to give them personality and individuality. Seeing as how she was just a small child, Cassia couldn't stand to see her in such conditions and got her out of there after breaking the glass tube. Good thing she did too, for the wires holding the tube in suspension had snapped and the tube fell into what seemed like a bottomless pit.

[ Talk about her weapon Sváva and how she got it; It's some sort of prototype weapon where the angels used the remaining essence if the valkyries or some shit since they couldn't bring them back or whatever. Angels, you suck at this science shit get GUD. Also somehow she gets out of the ruins and has to escape heaven while being chased by an angry hoard of Angels cause she destroyed an important sector and she was stealing smol angel beb. Whooo that's gotta be fun. YAY FOR STEALING CHILDREN. Listen they were gonna do horrible experiments on her; this kidnapping is acceptable S H U S H. ]

- Life in Hell;

After managing to just escape Heaven's clutches by the skin of her teeth with Sophia clung to her back, Cassia made her way down to Hell as she figured Hell would be one of the safer places to lie low until the whole 'Valhalla' fiasco settled down. However, having never been to Hell before (or at least that she could remember, seeing as how her memory was wiped), she found herself in unfamiliar territory and was wandering around like a lost child. Luckily, a red-skinned demon by the name of Edith had taken notice of the lost demon and offered her some help- a room in her 'free-to-stay' boarding house so long as she worked at her strip club. She'd provide her and Sophia with whatever they might need, even protection from the local gangs and since she had nowhere else to go, Cassia took up the offer and headed to the Circle of Lust. Cause where else would a strip club be in Hell? She didn't really enjoy her time as a stripper honestly. She didn't offer any pleasure services but she hated the way many of the patrons treated her; yelling slurs and vulgar sexual comments, even going so far as to touch her inappropriately when they weren't supposed to. 

It was here, during her time in Hell that Cassia found a precious little demon girl by the name of 'Danica' that she ended up falling head over heels for. She wasn't an employee nor was she a patron, but rather she was just a frequent visitor as her older sister was an employee; Name. The two met in the back room of the club, where the dancers and strippers got ready for their performances while Danica was visiting her sister for whatever reason. The two hit it off really well and became good friends in no time; so much that Cassia often spent most of her down time with her, when not caring for Sophia (or she'd take Sophia with her on their outings). As time went on, Danica finally asked Cassia out and of course she said yes. The two fell for each other hard from here on out. In only a few short months the two were already talking about moving in together and were talking about their plans for the future. One of them might have even been thinking of getting engaged to the other, no one will really know.

Eventually a very interesting and peculiar man started visiting the strip club; an extremely tall and handsome cowboy. He stuck out like a sore thumb and boy- did he have money. He ended up requesting some services from Cassia and he was offering amounts she simply could not refuse. She thought she'd hate servicing him at first but surprisingly he was... Different, from the other patrons. She secretly grew attached to this man, especially when he managed to get that stupid shock collar off of her. Whoops.
Danica never really thought much of her servicing this man- after all, it was just her job.

Later on down the road, a very suspicious looking woman started working at the strip club; an angel. Her name was 'Penney' apparently. This was a little out of place given that most of the employees and patrons were demons and the few angels that did frequent the establishment were fallen angels and you could always tell a fallen angel from a 'pure' angel, so to say. Cassia kept a close eye on her especially since the Valhalla fiasco was still fresh, given the fact that there were patrons in the club still talking about it.
Of course, Cassia was right. Within a week's time, this angel began acting strange; snooping in people's stuff, eavesdropping on others, and clearly stalking and keeping tabs on the other employees. Another week would pass and good lord- utter chaos would break loose. She was a spy for the other Archangels and managed to open a secret portal for a bunch of other angel agents to go through and they swarmed the strip club, attacking anyone and everyone in sight. After all, everyone knows how much angels hate demons. Cassia had been on stage performing when the attack happened and much to her surprise, Dancia was the one who jumped up on stage to protect her from a harsh blow. Cassia immediately grabbed Dancia and fled the strip club, heading straight for the boarding home and grabbing Sophia with the angels in tail. When the coast was clear, Dancia used the last of her strength to summon a portal and the three flew in just before it closed. 

- The Mercenaries of Temmarial; 

After escaping the angel chaos that happened in Edith's strip club, Cassia found herself, Danica and Sophia in an entirely new realm; Temmarial. She noticed Dancia's portal had landed them in what looked like a ruined fortress. Strange, seeing as how most of this realm seemed undiscorved and uninhabited. She looked over Sophia who was fine, but Dancia was a different story. She was bleeding everywhere and had already lost so much blood, her skin was as pale as snow, and she was unbelievably weak. Cassia tried her best to help Dancia out but unfortunately... Dancia didn't make it. Cassia was devastated. After taking the time to grieve over her death, she buried her in what looked liked an old courtyard.
Dancia's death... Really took a toll on her. Cassia then proceeded to hold herself up in the fortress, spending all her money and time on renovating the place and caring for Sophia. If Danica was to lay here for the rest of eternity, she was going to make damn sure the place looked as gorgeous as she did. ...It was the least she could do.

Time skip to about a little over a few years later, and the fortress was 'livable'. It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was better than nothing.
Seeing as how the two hadn't been attacked over the past few years and the two had grown accustomed to the place, Cassia decided to make this place their home. It wasn't like there was anywhere else for her to go, was there? Still though, she had the issue of money. She only had so much from her time as a stripper in Hell and by now, her funds were running thin. She had often made short and quick trips to the local village down at the base of the mountains the fortress was set upon while renovating and figured that would be the best place to start looking for a job. After all, she had a child angel to look after.
Much to her surprise, the villagers weren't afraid of her when she arrived, but instead ran to her begging for her help- apparently, there was a Weretiger terrorizing the village and eating their children and babies. They were so desperate for help that they were even offering her money. That would do.

She followed their directions to the sighting of this Weretiger and there she did find her but... Something was off. This Weretiger wasn't terrifying in the slightest. If anything- she was just laying in a giant bush of catnip with near a thousand cats strung out with her. There wasn't a trace of blood or the remains of a child in sight. That, and she was dressed way too nicely to be a child-eater.

[ Meets Kiraga along the way; was one of her first 'marks'. She wasn't dangerous at all and she wasn't about to hurt an innocent tiger lady who just liked catnip too much. So instead she recruited her into the guild and dealt with the asshole who wrongly accused her of 'eating children and babies' and 'terrorizing the village'. ]

[ From then on the guild began offering a 'protection program', where non-members would pay a standard fee and in return would be given protection; any bounties and marks placed on said person and the people who created said marks would be dealt with swiftly and quietly. Agents would also be at the ready to act as teammates and bodyguards for those who needed them. It also provides in-building housing for those who need direct protection; like angel beb. ]

[ More shit here about how the guild gets super famous, she runs into Hadrian again, employs him, lots of other shit nyyyeehhhh. ]

[ PROBABLY GOING TO HAVE SOME MASSIVE PLOT POINT WHERE THE THREE REMAINING OBSIDIAN BIRDS COME TOGETHER AND FUCK UP THE OBSIDIAN GROSBEAK FOR BEING A LITTLE BITCH BACK IN THE BEGINNING; SEEING AS HOW CALISTA, THE OBSIDIAN OWL IS ALREADY IN THE GUILD. The Obsidian Bluebird was on Midgard helping the Humes with the werewolf crisis and ends up bringing them to Temmarial once Midgard gets royally fucked up the ass and is no longer habitable; so that means all three of them will eventually reunite. WHY ARE THEY GONNA GO BEAT UP THE GROSBEAK THOUGH??? Maybe the Grosbeak is behind a lot of the shit that has been happening throughout the realms? Maybe they're the BIG BAD behind all the corrupt shit in Heaven??? Maybe this all has something to do with the M I R R O R. I don't fucking know. PLOT YAY. ]


Eventually the Obsidian Owl and Bluebird give up their piece of the Mirror's hearts/cores to the Phoenix, due to their weakened state. They were no match for Grosbeak and wouldn't serve as any help to the Phoenix. She eventually beats the shit out of Grosbeak and takes his piece of the heart/core because she needs it to try and restore the mirror, but since the glass in its physical form was broken and there's nothing for the hearts/cores to reside in and contain their power, the taint from the evil and corruption across the universe makes the myst in the mirror go berserk and it tries to wipe out all of existence. The Phoenix then takes ahold of the mirror and tries to reason with it; 'the sins of the few do not justify the crucifixion of the many', but the mirror does not care for right or wring, only purity. So it strikes a bargain with her since she used to be the Archangel of Justice, and questions if she is willing to take the burden of judgement to save the masses. Knowing its the right thing to do, the Phoenix accepts and becomes the physical form the mirror needs to be restored. In becoming one with the mirror she becomes a literal God and then restores the balance to the universe.


I wanted to tie in the judgement theme since the Mirror was like; "YOU FUCKED UP; ALL MUST DIE NOW LMAO" cause like- clearly not everyone deserves to die just for the sins of a couple of fucked Demi-Gods and Archangels ESPECIALLY YOU GROSBEAK. Plus, it really makes sense for Cassia to be the one since she used to be the Archangel of Justice and obviously you have to cast judgement first before you serve justice and just- agihyfygh.

it also really makes sense for Cassia to over turn Grosbeak and restore the mirror since he represents winter and she represents spring, and springs melts the winter cold and is supposedly the 'rebirth of nature'