Tora ( ̄ヘ ̄)'s Comments

anyone in my th (unless stated) for them?

Whaaaa thank you so much for the offer!

There were actually a few that interested me, but if you don’t mind, can I try to redesign him one last time before I make an offer?

Thank you! 🥹❤️

sure! just lmk if your ever interested :D

Hello!! They are back up for offer if you are still interested ^^

Feel free to re-offer if you are :D


Well it depends, would i be able to use this design of him If not then I am sadly not interested anymore

Yeah you can! Just while I was using him I didnt want people using that design ^^

But yeah ofc, Dreamonz is on hiatus right now which is why I didnt redesign him like that :)

But I can give him a Dreamonz version if that interests you at all (depending on offer as well)

15 Replies