


6 years, 3 months ago


  Touma Yonaga

age  17
dob  april 2
height  5' 6"
pronouns  he
stand  Beast Dance
main theme  


Beast Dance is a stand granted by Substitute's abilities. It's a humanoid stand with tiger pelt patterns and broken shackles around its wrists.

Beast Dance's fists will heat up when the user is angry or threatened. The user's fists will heat up as well, and they can withstand heat they normally couldn't when in this state. Its fists are hot enough to cause burns or melt some metals.

It also boasts an unusually high defense when anticipating attacks that make it much harder to take down. Catching it off guard will render this defense useless - the user cannot be protected if they are unprepared.









I’m really grateful. I’m telling the truth, you know?
I can live without a care in the world,
all thanks to you kind people
who look down on me and pet me.

I can’t survive on my own.
Or rather, I can’t run away anyway, in the first place.
I’m kept within this cage of sociality.

I don’t have a penny to my name!
I can’t fulfill anyone’s expectation!
Tell me, what am I supposed to do?
“Sigh, it’s easier to deal with fools anyway, right?”
Well then, I’m gonna have fun!

I’ll prove my existence with my beast dance.
My identity is going berserk.
Come on, now!
Let me hear you roar!
Roar roar roar roar roar roar roar

Cast aside your humanity,
before you have to grovel on the ground, being at the bottom of society.
You want to be loved?
In that case, come on.
Roar roar roar roar roar roar
Inside the cage, ‘kay?


I’m not granted solitude,
yet why do I feel so lonely?
Within this cage of sociality.

Even when I’m on my best behavior,
no one would praise me.
Come on, tell me what am I supposed to do?
(I guess those with the loudest mouths get the most advantages in life.)
Let me hear the weird sounds you make!

I’m contributing to society with my beast song.
Everyone is extremely delighted about it.
Come on, now!
Let me hear you roar!
Roar roar roar roar roar roar roar

Cast aside your humanity,
after duly considering all needs and complaints.
I’ve had enough.
I’ll just turn into an idiot!
Roar roar roar roar roar roar
While still being kept on the leash.

(Sigh, I feel like nothing matters anymore!)
(Hey, listen, I’m an idiot, too, you know?)
(Well, I do have some pride, too, but it can’t replace one’s life after all.)
(You can be a li~ttle nice to me, you know?)

“You can only love those you can look down on, right? Me, too!”
Show me your belly!

With my beast dance, I will have everyone completely surrender to me.
My identity is deserting me.
Come on, for the rest of your life,
let me hear you roar!
Roar roar roar roar roar roar roar

Cast aside your humanity,
before you have to grovel on the ground, being at the bottom of society.
You want to be loved?
In that case, come on.
Roar roar roar roar roar roar
Just turn into an idiot. But…
all of my senses are still intact!

She’s always sleeping in the middle of class
And when she is awake she’s pretty much always messing with her smartphone
Her reports left as blank white paper
When the turn-in date swings around she just hand copies from someone else's

She doesn’t wanna study for tests
So it’s fine to leave it till the day before
She doesn’t wanna get a red mark
Or so she says before somehow getting a blue one

The held-back girl lives
Today too she’s going playing pachinko with borrowed cash
The held-back girl lives
She’ll surely, be absent tomorrow too

She’s skipping her lectures
Off at a daytime game center melting away her time and cash
Her future left as blank white paper
She doesn’t wanna work so guess she’ll go to college or something

She doesn’t wanna study for tests
So it feels like looking for a job would really be plausible too
She doesn’t wanna think about her future
Or so she says when there’s really no meaning in doing so without earning credit

The held-back girl lives
Today too she’s playing smash bros in the laboratory
The held-back girl lives
She’ll probably be playing tomorrow too

The held-back girl lives
Today too she's working her part time job so she can get money for tuition
The held-back girl lives
Surely, being held back again would be no good

Held back girl (Yes!)
lives on in the midst of despair,
laughing like a fool.
Held-back girl,
Even if we’re in different years,
stay as my friend.