Ishida Asuka | Lullaby



1 year, 6 months ago


She/They - Minor 

Quirk: Sleep Song. Voice activated quirk, when singing the user can make people fall asleep. With practice, individuals can be targeted. The slower or louder a song is, the longer someone sleeps. Humming or speaking can set people more at ease around the user. The louder the user gets, the more people can be affected by her quirk.
- Sleep Song is a combination of her parents' quirks. Her mother, Pro Hero Melatonin, had a touch based sleep/energy drain quirk, and her father had a voice quirk.
- It is possible for her to sing without activating her quirk, however she hasn’t had the opportunity to figure out how to do so yet. If she trains further, it can also just target one person or a group, but that takes a very fine amount of control.

Quirk Drawbacks:
- Can lose her voice if she doesn't use proper singing techniques and if she overuses her quirk
- Overuse of her quirk via getting louder to try and effect more people/effect people for longer causes hearing damage. Due to this, she has begun to show signs of being hard of hearing at points. She’s being taught JSL to make it less of a problem.
- Insomnia. Due to the rapid release of melatonin her quirk causes others to go through, she herself has built up a resistance to it. Days she’s used her quirk more leads her to struggle with it more than other nights.

Read the Lullaby AU series on AO3 here: