Mina Greenwood



6 years, 6 months ago




name  Mina Greenwood
age 16 years old
Stats 5'2" / 115 lbs
Genderfemale (she/her)
Sexuality   heterosexual
Nationality  polish / vietnamese
residence castle bay, ireland
occupation working student
Character Summary

Clever / Fickle / Opinionated / Outgoing / Lazy / Eccentric / Creative / Bossy

personality .

In contrast to her sister, Mina doesn't hide away from other people, and looks for opportunies to introduce herself and make her presence known. If she isn't the first person to introduce herself in a room, then she probably resents whoever it was for stealing her thunder. She's also a bit fickle when it comes to her opinions of other people, and she's quick to rotate between friend groups when one gets on her nerves. The same can be said for her family members; she tends to flip on who she gets along with at least once a week. Her father jokes that she has a schedule for it, but in reality she's just stubborn and holds a grudge until somebody else in the household commits a worse offense. 

Her greatest strength is her ability ability be convincing and diplomatic about getting what she wants. She's a natural when it comes to negotiations and compromises, but expects everyone to follow through on their deals no matter what. If Basil agrees to do her laundry, for example, it had better get done, or at least made up to her in some way if it isn't. She's pragmatic in every sense of the word. This also makes her a good conflict mediator, but she can easily get caught up trying to fix problems that aren't her business. She considers herself a natural-born leader, though her "followers" tend to think of her as too bossy when she gets over-involved in taking charge. 

physical traits .

Her hair is dark and reaches just past her shoulders. She usually wears it down, or in a low ponytail if she's riding. She also needs glasses, but opts for contacts when she can. She's thin, and although she stays active with casual sports and riding, Mina is admittedly a bit weak. She has trouble lifting heavy objects, and tires easily from running or other intense activity. Competitive binge-watching is more her strong suit.


  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD 
  • TBD 
  • TBD

  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
Origin & history

backstory .
Mina's father was a military man, though not quite the disciplinarian you'd expect. He was always the more casual type, and made sure to make every place they moved to feel like home, despite the fact it was always temporary. For the most part, her parents got along, or rather they were careful to keep their disagreements from their children. Her mother in particular was always collected, never so much as raising her voice, and never sinking to the level other people treated her. Mina always found this trait insufferable in arguments, and hated how her mother's attitude made her anger feel like an overreaction. Financially, their family was extremely well off, far above average thanks to her mother's well paying job and careful budgeting. Mina in particular never heard the word "no," in response to what she asked for, though Basil wasn't too far behind considering she had her first horse the day after she brought up the subject. That being said, their mother would never tolerate them growing up spoiled, and thus had non-negotiable high standards for chores and academics. When Basil's depression hit, the thought inevitably surfaced that she was the reason for pushing her daughter too far, and for a long time she parented from guilt in a feeble attempt to make things easier on her. She's since begun to treat Mina the same way, fearful that any pressure could cause a similar breakdown. 

Mina's parents divorced after her father retired from the military, and they permanently settled in Ireland. Currently, Mina is going through her horse girl phase and spending every second she can at Castle Bay. If her sister hadn't taken an interest in riding, it's likely Mina never would have either. She's not actually concerned with practicing her skills or competing, but loves animals and considers horses to be a great emotional support. The only events she participates in are small competitions that her parents persuade her to sign up for, but she doesn't usually place.

family .
Her parents mutually split, but they've kept a healthy relationship with one another and their two daughters. They've actually continued to share their home, and operate as a mutual partnership rather than a marriage. It's confusing to Mina why they never tried to reconnect, given that they're on such good terms, but she no longer mentions it or has any hope that they will. 

education .
Mina is an average student, and somewhat held-back by her parent's fears that she'll breakdown like her sister. She's resentful of the fact she can't take advanced classes with her friends, and often feels like Basil's school experience has unfairly ruined hers. Because she's taking classes that don't challenge her, she's easily able to manage A's and B's for every assignment. The only issue is that when she doesnt feel engaged, she'd rather not do the work, and so she receives occasional low marks for lack of trying.

occupation .
Mina is too young to have a proper job, but does chores around the house for an allowance. 

residence .
She lives with her parents, but spends the night at Basil's place when their schedules align and her parents agree to it.
