Sin ☆



6 years, 3 months ago



| Enthusiastic | Free Spirited | Friendly | Pushy | Impulsive | 

Sin is a very free spirited child who never seems to lack enthusiasm in life. He doesn't like having no control over things (more so himself) but does enjoy just having a good time and partying away his life. He's friendly, though very tentative to accept people as his friends until he has seen them in their good and bad states. He's can be rather pushy, if set strongly in something. He also tends to act well before thinking things though, though he's more then happy to accept the consequences that come. He'd rather act on his first instincts and not second guess himself, even if its not the best choice it hasn't gotten him into too much trouble. 

【 Name 】 Sin【 Nickname(s) 】 -has none-
【 Gender 】 Male【 Tier 】 3 (Lust)
【 Age 】 ?【 DOB 】 December 22nd
【 Sexuality 】 Homosexual, bisexual when drunk 【 Relationship Status 】 Taken
【 Height (humanoid) 】 6'0"
【 Job 】 Odd Jobs

【 History 】

Sin grew up very poor in the depths of hell, and remained even in this social class as he started working his ass off (due to having to take care of his parents). Both his parents didn't have much to names to start with and having their bundle of job just made them poorer. They provided what they could for the small nightmare even as they both started deteriorating until they couldn't even recall their own names let alone that they had a child. Sin never hated his parents for it all, knowing they did and were doing all they could do, and a few days after he became an adult he decided to leave them behind in a nice home that could care for them.
After this he started falling into the party life, finding it the easiest way to get food and a good time to drown out his sorrows, on top of make connections he could flirt with to get what he wanted. It led to some 'interesting' times, which aged him mentally with each experience, but he never let his mood dull more then it was already when he was alone. 

Can rarely drive himself to drink until he's wasted

Has had many unsavory jobs when he's needed the money, something he's far from proud of

He has a lot of money issues as he doesn't have a steady income what so ever

Likes gold jewelry, he finds it very shiny and nice

Became an adult at about 2 years in age, not helping to his parents not being able to recall him

He's rather sad that his parents memory is so bad and they have such a hard time recalling things, but they been slowly getting better and that drives him to keep trying so he can keep taking care of them and seeing them become better


A almost reckless guy who's just trying to make a living make his life enjoyable. He's friendly and has that slight flirty side to him, in the past being more flirty but ever since meeting his boyfriend is a loyal guy. He's very caring towards his parents and tries his best to take care of things he considers 'under his care'. 
