


1 year, 5 months ago


Lakila'Shezi Miatz-Ziul

Gender demigirl

Pronouns she/they

Age 16 years

Status Interpreter of the Sunset

Alignment lawful neutral

Position ruler/priest

Sexuality asexual panromantic

Kingdom Reah'Kiali

Birthday Party


I will serve the gods and my kingdom forever and always, giving all that is me and all that I can, until I am no more.


  • Sunrise
  • Dreaming
  • Springtime
  • Flowers
  • Helping people


  • Mirrors
  • Winter
  • Loud noises
  • Lazy people
  • Letting people down


  • Gardening
  • Talking walks
  • Painting
  • Cooking
  • Embroidery


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf



White Chrysathemum








Spanish Moon Moth














Shezi works hard to get what she wants. Having been raised in a family that didn't have much, she started working as soon as she could to help put food on the table. She always strives to be the best she can at what she does for other people. However, this often leads to burnout since she'll keep pushing herself long past her limit. She's also easily stressed out, especially when things don't go well.


They're very kind and compassionate, helping everyone they can. They're always happy to offer their shoulder for someone to lean on or help when someone's struggling. They're always there for others but sometimes forget to care for themself, and never want to burden people with asking for help. They're a people pleaser, and even when they're struggling or tired they'll carry on with a smile on their face as though nothing's wrong.


She is deeply loyal both to those she cares about and to that which she serves. She would defend her family and friends no matter what and trusts them completely. She's also completely loyal to Reah'Kiali and the gods. She works her hardest to help rule Kiali and make sure its citizens are happy, and is completely devout to the gods, willing to sacrifice anything for them.

















Time of day


Clothing item

Realistic Fiction







Full Reference Image
Animation Reference
Designer Xenyca

Status Forever Homed

Worth $150


Shezi has two antannae that are very expressive and reflect their mood. Under each eye they have three curled feathers, asymmetric in their direction. They have purple fur with dark rosettes and a cream belly, along with dense, soft fur. They have feathers at the base of their tail (and in some iterations, on their shoulders), along with a long, fluffy tail.

Design Inspiration

Shezi is mainly based off a snow leopard. She has their stocky build, thick fur, and long tails. She is somewhat larger than a real one, being closer to the size of a tiger. She has antannae like a butterfly along with bird feathers on her tail.


Shezi isn't generally that interested in dressing up. They own some silk scarves and capes, metal bands and necklaces, and of course mirror and glass jewelry, but they generally only wear it on special occasions. Growing up, they could barely afford any kind of accessory, so they're not used to wearing much.

Traditional Clothing

After becoming Interpreter, Shezi suddenly had a wide array of outfits. Always in public she would wear her crown: a mirror disk dyed to look like the sun in eclipse surrounded by crystals and glass. She had elaborate jewelry, mainly consisting and vast swathes of semi-transparent silk with shining metal-and-mirror bands and pendants, often containing precious gems and resembling the sky at night and day.

  • Silk
  • Glass/Mirrors
  • Necklaces
  • Armor
  • Tight Clothing
  • Wool


Early Life

Shezi was born in a medium-sized town in Reah'Kiali to her mother, Orchid. She had a twin brother named Finn and a father who had recently been killed in the war. Her brother, Finn, unfortunately grew sick and died very young. Her mother worked hard to care for her and give her the best life she could, despite the difficult conditions they lived in. She didn't have much money or a big home, but she worked day and night to make sure Shezi was well looked after, and Shezi did the best she could to return the favor. They sold what little they could grow and managed to make a living together.

When they were younger, Shezi would meet with their brother Finn in their dreams. He was chosen to be an Angel, a sacred helper and messenger of the gods, who lived in the Ever Realm (dream world) and guided spirits to the next realm. He played with Shezi often in their sleep, the only time they could see each other. He taught them small amounts of magic which Shezi would remember and build upon for the rest of their life. One day, however, Ha'lu, god of the dead and the After Realm, caught them playing together. He warned them that if they kept meeting, Shezi might get trapped in the Ever Realm. Mournfully, the two said goodbye, and never saw each other again. The only thing left of him Shezi had was the brush of azure wings in their dreams.

Becoming Interpreter

It was a normal day when the parade came to their town. They were surprised that the Speaker of the Sunset and Sunrise would visit such an unimportant town as theirs, but the people gladly welcomed them. The Speaker announced that the gods had chosen the next Interpreter, who would train under the Speaker of the Sunset to be one of the three supreme priests and rulers of the kingdom and someday take their position. With much anticipation, the Speaker announced that Shezi would be the next Interpreter of the Sunset. Honored and shocked, Shezi joined them and was crowned Interpreter. She said goodbye to her mother and set off to the City of the Sky.

Arriving at the palace was a shock, as it was so grand and luxurious and held many significant objects. There were mirrors everywhere, and Shezi's rooms alone were larger than her old house. She got to meet Nikyr, the god of the Sunset, and would be able to every month. She learned so much about ruling Kiali and about the other kingdoms.

Learning to Lead

The Speaker of the Sunset, who introduced himself to Shezi as Armedias, seemed cold and stoic at first. He was a cunning strategist and knew what to do to keep Kiali running and negotiate with nearby kingdoms. They didn't care much for emotions or softness. He taught Shezi well, making sure she had all the skills she needed to someday rule the kingdom and communicate with the gods. Shezi worked hard to be the best Interpreter she could and learn everything they taught her. As time went on, the two became close, almost like family, with Armedias becoming a sort of father-figure to Shezi, who'd never had one. And as they got closer, Armedias began to open up to Shezi. He began to show the warm heart he had deep inside the layers he'd built up as a leader. She learned of his great compassion and kindess, and how he wished he could help the kingdom even more.

Being Interpreter was difficult but rewarding work. They got to visit other kingdoms and travel all around Reah'Kiali. Shezi was still awed by Nikyr each time they met, and still surprised whenever people showed her deep respect.

Shezi also made new friends. They met the other Speakers and Interpreter, and grew familiar with many who lived in or worked at the Sunset Palace. She also made a new friend in her dreams. Another Angel, named Charlie, began to meet with her. While she was unsure at first, Charlie assured her that it was safe since Charlie was a much older Angel. They became one of Shezi's few close, true friends.

Charlie wasn't the only Angel Shezi met with. The azure wings grew more insistent, and one night, she once again came face to face with her brother.

Lies and Treachery

This section will be written as more of Shezi's story is revealed.

Just remember, no one can be trusted, and even those you think the highest of could turn out to be a traitor.



  • Although mirrors are a popular and sacred accessory in her culture, they've always made her uncomfortable.
  • She's capable of small feats of magic (lucid dreaming) in the Ever Realm.
  • She often sent flowers into the river late at night, hoping they would reach her father or brother.


  • "Lakila" means wanderer and "Shezi" means stars; their full first name means "Wanderer of the Stars."
  • "Miatz" means mirror and "ziul" means dream; they were the first part of her mother's and father's last names respectively.
  • While most people call them Shezi, Charlie often refers to them as Lakila.


  • She's a people pleaser and will often overwork herself for the approval of others.
  • While she really enjoys hanging out and helping people, being around others for too long can be emotionally draining.
  • They rarely get angry but when they feel wronged, they'll hold the grudge for a long time.


  • Her design has gone back and forth between having shoulder feathers and not.
  • Shezi and Finn were designed separately and not made siblings until later, so it's somewhat a coincidence they look alike.
  • Her design is one of the oldest ones I have.



Shezi deeply respects and looks up to her mentor. She does everything she can to be the best apprentice she can be and learn everything he teaches her about leading the kingdom or communicating with the gods. They want to be strong, smart, just, and responsible like him. They work hard to make sure he's happy and sometimes burn themself out in trying to please him. While he was more stoic and serious when they first met, sealing off his emotions and often being harsh, she got him to open up and expose the kind and caring heart deep beneath the layers. They've almost become family to each other and he is always there when Shezi needs a shoulder to lean on or someone to offer advice.


Shezi and Finn used to play together in the Ever Realm while Shezi slept. Finn died very young and was chosen by the gods to serve as an Angel, and did his job dutifully. However, when his sister entered the dream realm he would play with her. She loved him and always really enjoyed playing with him. They were very close and shared all of their secrets with each other. She was heartbroken when Finn cut her off, but she still hopes that maybe he'll change his mind.


Shezi couldn't have asked for a better mother. After the loss of her mate and her son, Orchid made sure to create the best life for her daughter. Shezi could never express how much they appreciated all the hard work their mother put into making sure they had a happy life, even when their family had so little. Orchid taught them so much of what they know and helped shape them into the strong person they are, and Shezi will be eternally greatful. She does everything she can for her mother and loves her so much.


Shezi hasn't known Charlie for very long. The two met during Shezi's nightly trips to the dream realm. While they couldn't meet often, Shezi enjoyed having a wise Angel she could come to with her opinion, and saw that Charlie enjoyed having a living companion. They spoke often about their lives and their world, and both grew to care for and love each other.