Ophelia's Comments

Aaaah I can't resist the white eyelashes!
I would name her Iophiel, an angel that is known for her beauty and romantic view of the world. She is also known for keeping a close eye on mortals and getting a little more involved than most angels. Her brother is named Gabriel, a moody, cold angel, though she gets along well with him and he returns the care for her. Her story would be along the lines of her noticing a disruption in the mortal realm, and going down to investigate, only to go missing. She ended up getting caught by some demons, who imprisoned a town, making them slaves to their will. But using her sweet words and pretty appearance, she coaxed the demon who was suppose to her guard of her into letting her free. So she has to work with her brother and a mortal son of a priest to set the town free from the demons.