


1 year, 6 months ago


Senior Warrior, Queen

Birdwood - white molly with yellow-blue eyes.

Birdwood is a stern, hardworking and very active cat. She is an excellent hunter and fighter, known to take down large birds of prey like eagles.
She looks down upon her sister for refusing to groom herself and choosing to waste away in the cool, dark caves.
Privately, she needs to prove she's not like her sister. 

Birdwood rarely rested as a young warrior. Every waking second of the day and night, she was aware of something that needed to be done - watching the sky for birds, hunting for the nursing queens, guarding the camp from predators.

No cat in Duskclan was ever expected to have kittens, but Birdwood had heard so much about how beautiful parenthood was - that after their kittens were born, life just made more sense to these cats.
Since she's been in the nursery, she kept waiting for these feelings to bloom within her.
Looking down at her kittens - watching as they grew from tiny nothings to apprentice sized - waiting for something to fall into place in her heart.
She's just felt itchy and restless.

Mother to  Sunkit, Cinderkit, and Goosekit