vampire adopt v__v's Comments


Omgzzz would anyone in here or in RRIINN interest u for them?!!  I can do art if not:3

Offlimits r faves, otherfavez, and killerz :3 obsessed with this character 


Omgz id have to consider idk if id just let her go for this bab 

i could also do art to add on to make it more fair


ouu yes ill consider that:3 lmk how much youd be up to 

what do you think would be fair ?

11 Replies

ill accept some art for 22222, 111111111, and tbn if youre up for it !!

This oc too or no? 

no i dont thin i would acccept just art for the adopt ToT

Ah thats fine! I think I’ll decline then since I liked this bb the best, tysm tho!