


1 year, 6 months ago


đź’–Name:Clement (Birth name Clementine)

đź’–Age: Immortal (Around BC or AC maybe??)

đź’–Gender: Genderfluid (All pronouns)

đź’–Sexuality: Pansexual

đź’–Height: 7.2 (18.288 centimeters)

đź’–Species: Demon/Human hybrid

đź’–Race: Native American

đź’–Disorder/Disability: Autism/ADHD, with Social Anxiety

đź’–Personality: On the surface, Clement acts very blurt, short, unsympathetic, & harsh.

Truth is, Clem is someone who is always very curious and eager to explore new things. Is very adventurous and abit of a daredevil were he can be himself. However, they can be quite a narcissus, who is both in love and self conscious about his physical appearances and looks. In which cause her to be self absorbed and Insensitive. But they truly just want to feel loved and wanted. Very affections to love ones and close friends.

Often times, he suffers from lots of insecurity, self-doubts, and have a hard time loving themself. Which is why she rely on others to make them feel good about herself. They also have a bad habit of trusting the wrong people/demon, and he gets taken advantage of alot because of it.

đź’–Backstory: A demon/human hybrid who has two dads. Pretty much born and raised mostly in Hell, Clement is the youngest of the Demon King's children. Because he's half human, she's easy to get hurt or worse. So because of that, they are seen as "weaker" and "lesser", and often spend their younger days in a safe, but loney tower room with only a handful of Clem's own little minors/friends/living dolls to entertain her. And Clem hopes one day to be more respected and loved like his older full demon siblings. And tries hard to act very interesting & important towards anyone he see.

đź’–Extra infos:

• He was born with a big cool looking tattoo-thingy of a sun on his back. (Will design it soon hopefully.)

• He might also have extra smaller tattoos around his body maybe??

• Has a extra spider like jaw under his chin/face. Also has 4 pairs of arms too. (For some reason I had to make them base of fookin tarantulas, mostly the Goliath Birdeater.)
