


1 year, 6 months ago


skrunkly goober,,

Personality blurb

Lyra is a curious soul, benevolent at heart and new to most of the aspects in her current realm. Though friendly to most people, she typically only relaxes around those she trusts, revealing a slightly more soft and air headed demeanor; on the outside,  Lyra retains a more formal personality, while still being mildly introverted and a little more keen. She is also fiercely protective of those she is close with, unfortunately quick to cry under high stress, and occasionally plays up dramatics for goofs and gaffs.

 General Info

Name: Lyra

Age: Late teen/young adult, ~ 18-19

Race: Wingless shape-shifter dragon, ice element


Lyra was born and partially raised in another universe; she comes from the lands of eternal winter, an incredibly unstable and desolate place of ice and snow. As a dragonet, Lyra ended up falling into a rift and was transported into a new universe, which is where she currently resides.


- Since time wasn't well kept in her old universe and she fell into the rift as a dragonet,  Lyra occasinally struggles to grasp and gauge measures of time

 - High temperatures make her quite sleepy.  She isn't the most well built for high temperatures, as her dragon form, which has a very thick coat, was built for extreme cold

- Doesn't like water, doesn't know how to swim. Water gets soaked up easily by her coat, and she doesn't like the sensation- Her dragon form puffs up when she's upset, like a cat

- A generally calm/pacifist person, doesn't attack anything unless she needs to and would rather run (or fly..) than fight

- Wary, but friendly to new people

Dragon form is still a work in progress!

